Chapter 14

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: "Rosé, how is she?" She quickly stand up from the couch as she saw me coming down from Jennie-unnie's room

I rolled my eyes at her and just went to the kitchen to prepare some food for Unnie in case she woke up and had some appetite

: "What happened up there? Can I talk to her? " she's now following my every step and it's pissing me off

I just glared at her and it seems that she understands me and went to the kitchen counter so I turn my back on her and continue with preparing the ingredients

: "I-I never really meant to say that. I know I was wrong and I will apologize to her now" i looked back at her and saw that she's on her way upstairs when I finally decided to speak

R: "I think you've done enough, Seul. She's resting now so don't bother her" i watch as her shoulders slump down and walk back towards the kitchen counter

S: "I was really an idiot for this one, aren't I?" She said as she focused her eyes on her fidgeting fingers

R: "You're way more than that." I clicked my tongue and went back to cooking and I just heard her sigh

S: "Do you think she will ever forget what I said? I really regret it the moment it came out of my mouth" i was chopping some vegetables and I just can't contain my anger right now and cut cabbage in half with so much force and pointed the knife at her

R: "Two years, Seulgi. Irine-unnie and I suffered for two years watching her mourn all by herself. Hearing her cry herself to sleep every night. Having nightmares. Losing her appetite. LOSING HERSELF. But for some miracle we found a way to go through her and she's been doing well for the past two months. But no. You just have to ruin it by saying those horrible things" i was gripping the knife so hard that I can see my knuckles are turning white.

The same color of her face and now her hands are raised up like a criminal that just gets caught but afraid of being shot.

S: "I didn't mean it, Rosé. Please put the knife down" she's stepping towards me and I just throw the knife in her direction. Luckily she's alert somehow and dodge it

R: " NO. You freaking meant it because she got into your nerve. You know I once heard that what people say is what they really think about. You just have to hurt unnie the same way your ego got hurt because you're defending your friend well guess what Seulgi, Jennie-unnie is your friend too" i said with a loud voice while trying to contain my tears

S: "I wasn't defending Liam. It's just that I know him,  he won't do that "

R: "And you don't know Jennie-unnie, huh? You really think that she will lie and accuse someone, something that she invented in her head? That girl didn't care for anyone besides her family and friends and you really have the audacity to defend yourself? "I cross my arms in my chest and look at her intently

She's looking everywhere but me and I know that she can't reasoned her ass off out of this situation

" You know, Irine-unnie trusts you so much. She entrusts Jennie-unnie to us. US. And you're the first one who gave her nightmare back. I'm so disappointed in you. Please see your way out" I pointed at the direction of the door and she hesitantly obey

She was closing the door when I shouted

"If I were you, I would tell Irine-unnie what happened first. Maybe you got a chance to explain yourself. MAYBE"

And the next thing I know, I heard the door closed.

I continue my cooking and our argument flashes back in my head and I can't hold it anymore and burst out crying.

Lisa isn't weak.

I saw how she handled herself even if she's sick.

They didn't know what she went through. How her eyes scream pain every time she undergoes a thousand needles and hospital crap.

She tried so hard to stay.

For her family

For us. Her friends

For Jennie-unnie

I don't know someone as brave as her for dealing with that all by herself. I was just there the last few months but she handled herself well.

That's brave for me.

I guess I'm in pain right now because of all the people, I didn't expect it to come from our friend too.

She became our friend when she transferred to our school for her third year. She and Lisa just clicked. They were so close not until after graduation that she and Irine-unnie were in a long distance relationship so I really don't know what happened to her. Why is she acting like this.

Jennie-unnie needed us and this is all she got. A friend who blames her for her partner's death.

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