Chapter 13

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: "What? Don't tell me you plan on throwing something again? " she asked with her usual mischievous voice

J: "You're here." I silently said and she just walked towards me and I just follow here movements

: "Of course. Where would I be?" She said as she sat on the edge of the bed, facing me

J: "But you left me. Two years ago. You got sick and then you left me" My vision instantly becomes blurry as my tears flow out of my eyes and Seulgi's words are there again. I can hear her again

"You got sick and you keep it a secret for me not to worry. Did I make it worse? Am I the reason why you chose not to get cured? Why wouldn't you say anything to me? Cause you know deep down that I am really one of the reasons why you got sick? Did I kill you? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. "  I looked at her while I continued to apologize

: "Honey, calm down" she said with a smiling calm face

J: "No. I have to know. Please tell me." I just bawled my eyes out while pleading

: "Rosé told you that-"

J: " Is she right? Maybe Seulgi right. Maybe I am the one who made you sick. I'm Sorry, Love. I'm so sorry. Please. Come back here so I can take care of you please, Lisa" my voice cracked as I kneeled near her but I'm still not touching her afraid that she will disappear

L : "Baby, come on. Get up from there, please"  her voice is so inviting but I was as stubborn as I can be and just shook my head denying her request

"Here. Look at this" she speaks again and I look up at what she wants me to see

I saw her holding the picture that I just threw but the glass around it is no more.

The picture.

Our picture.

Our very first picture as an official couple.

L : "Look how happy you are here" she said as I saw how she traced her fingers at my face in that picture

J: "That's because you're there with me" i replied to her while I'm trying to hold back my tears

L: "And I am still here with you but you never smiled like you used to. You are our cheerful, Mandu. Remember what they called us? They called us the-"

J: "The chaotic couple" i smiled remembering how we got that title because whenever we are with our friends, there won't be a dull moment to make an embarrassing moment for ourselves or to our friends.

L: "There's that smile" i can see how she is looking at me lovingly and I tried so hard to contain my gummy smile but remembering those days, I just can't and soon, I was laughing

All of our happy memories I just reminisce about while staring at her eyes and she just smiled at me while looking at my eyes with that look I can feel her love.

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