Chapter 17

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J: "One more of that from you and you're on your own, brat" i glared at him and he just looked at me tiredly

L: "Ow come on. Give me a break. I have to understand this thousand of papers in one day. It's suffocating my brain" he slump his head on the table and burried it with papers

J: "Is there anything to suffocate?" I asked seriously and he just glared at me

L: "You're encouraging me in mysterious ways. You know that?" He force his body to straighten up and continue reading

J: "Yeah. I have that effect on people" i murmured and do my work beside him

L: "I really hate this part" he groans again and I am on the peak of my patience

J: "Alright. You know what. You are helpless. People understand in different ways. You're father said that you once had your own business. Is that true?"

L: "Well is not mine totally. It's not of a big deal either. It's -" he reasoned out and I just held my hand up indicating for him to stop

J: "I just ask if you had one or not" i rolled my eyes and he just chuckled

What's wrong with him and his father. Chuckling everytime I'm pissed off

L: "Calm down, woman. Yes. I had one before but as you can already guess, it didn't work out" he said sadly and I don't have time to deal with his feelings. I just want to know what he's capable of with this field

J: "Okay. What happened? Please focus on financial state because base on your face, you just let it down. How can I tell? You have a father who love you and clearly you can ask him for help. So what happened? You're ego can't take it that Daddy is there to help you?" it's the typical reason right?

L: "I will just forget the fact that you're rubbing it to my face that my ego is fragile and I'm arrogant" he glared at me and I just shrug

"But you're correct. I didn't want my father's help even though he offered it. It's not because I was longing for his attention or I want to rebel against him like some documentaries or whatever drama you watched on tv" he smirk at me and it's my turn to glared at him

He was unbuttoning his polo sleeves and I quickly grab my pen and held it tightly. He's unbuttoning it slowly and I can see the look on his face like he can over power me anytime

Oh boy. You mess with the wrong girl.

J: "If you do what I think you would do, think again. You may be a man and stronger that me but I will tell you, I won't back down without putting a fight "

L: "Relax, Lady Hulk. I want to show you something so you will stop judging me" he raised both of his hands and I just put the pen down and nod at him

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