Chapter 21

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: "Unnie, please stopppp" she keeps on whining but I continue to sing at her

Jennie: "I found a girl who's in love with a girl. She said that she tried but she's not into guys" I was holding my hairbrush as a mic then act as Rosé is my audience

Rosé: "You know that a long long time ago" she rolled her eyes at me

Jennie: "How about this one. I know you know this song since you love kids" i cleared my throat and she just groaned in annoyance

"There was a lovesick girl that I just caught , E-I-E-I-O" I laughed uncontrollably and so does Rosé

Rosé: "Unnie, please stop. I'm already embarrassed" she covered her face with her hand and I let my laughter die down

J: "Ohh- I have another one" i put my hairbrush close to my mouth when Rosé ran towards me and pushed my back and we both landed in my bed

Rosé: " Nooo. No more" she is now faking cry and I just laugh more

I looked down and she just buried her face in my chest. I noticed that her ears are so red that means she is really embarrassed.

I lift up her chin so I can see her face and what I see shocks me cause she is really red right now. Like REALLY red and she might pop anytime

Jennie: "So *cleared throat* Jisoo huh" I saw how she timidly opened her eyes. Being cautious if I tease her again

Rosé: "Yeah. Jisoo" she gets off of me and I saw her smiling sheepishly

Jennie: "Ewww. You're in love" i playfully said then roll my eyes causing her to push me slightly

Rosé: "Yah. It's not like I didn't notice how Mr. Lee look at you. Like a puppy" she said while acting like she will throw up and I just gasp

Jennie: " What? Are you saying that you are starting that rumor about us? Gotcha you tattletale. Mr. Lee would really like to have a word with you" i acted like I want to reach for my phone since it's just on my bedside but she quickly pulled me back towards her

Rosé: "No please? I'm sorry. And it's not me. I just heard it. But seriously, he is really obvious and when I saw you two at Ms. Dara's office and how he softly looks at you, Confirmed " she is smiling to be but the nervousness is evident to her face

Jennie: "I am his secretary. Of course we will be together most of the time" i rolled my eyes

Rosé: "Even when you just want to eat?" She raised her eyebrow at me

Jennie: "The cafeteria is for everyone "

Rosé: "What about the parking lot?"

Jennie: "It's a public place, Rosé"

Rosé: "Yeah but he can go immediately when his car is literally in front "

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