Chapter 5

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: "You've got to be kidding me. YAHHHH. YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIIIIIIT!" She yelled but why does it sound muffled to my ears?

J: "Li-lisa" i slowly said while looking at her eyes and the top buttons of her button up shirt

: "Unnie please. Calm down" i heard a begging tone and I diverted my attention to Rosé who's trying so hard to block Irine from reaching Lisa

I: "NO. I WON'T CALM DOWN. Let me go Rosé. I have to punch some shit to that woman. How dare you cheat on Jennie huh?" Irine-unnie keeps squirming on Rosé's hold and I just stood there still in shock

I know that I planned to kill whoever will have the guts to get in between Lisa and I but as I saw it, I just froze. Not believing what I just found out. I ranted out most of my anger and frustration to Irine-unnie, maybe that's the reason I don't have any strength to do anything now?

: "U-Unnie! " I tuned back to their world as I realized what is really going on. Unnie is pulling Rosé's hair hardly

: "HEY! Let go of her."  I can see how Lisa is willing to defend Rosé's honor.

I: "What? Huh? You can't endure the sight of your other girl getting hurt while the other person who loves you the most stuffers EVERYDAY AND NIGHT? " Irine yelled at Lisa and she just flinched but still trying to free Rosé's hair from Unnie's grip

L: "What are you talking about? " She asked with furrowed eyebrows

I: "You really are a dumb son of a bitch. Don't play stupid with me cause I'm trying to save both of your asses when Jennie loses her hope and clearly overthinking about your relationship. " She said with a venom on her voice

"You crazy girl. I thought you're the one for her. I am clearly jealous of how the two of you seem perfect with each other. What the heck happened, Lisa? " She looked at her disappointedly then averted her attention to Rosé who is tucked in safely in Lisa's arms

"And you. Why? You know she belongs to Jennie. Why would you do that Rosé? We are sisters from different mothers yet you threw that away for her? You just broke not just their relationship but our trust too." I can see the tears flowing freely from her eyes.

She really did care more about our friendship than I thought.

L: "Wh-what is going on? Why would you think that something is going on with us?" She said while she was unconsciously moving her hand to Rosé's back

J: "Just by looking at how sweet you are" I said sarcastically and Rosé immediately pulled her body against Lisa's

R: "U-Unnie please. It's not what you think" she's crying hard but I am so broken that I can't find a place in my heart to comfort her

J: "Oh no. Get back to her arms. It's yours now. I don't need it anymore.

We're done." I said and turned my body around ready to get out of this suffocating place

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