Chapter 2

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: "Would you look at that. Look who finally decides to show up. The power couple" Irene said

Jennie: "Not so powerful if you ask me" I murmured and I know Lisa heard me because she looked at me

Lisa: "Not here, Jennie" she quietly said only for me to hear

I don't answer back but I retract my hand from her arm

Irine: "What's with the long face, Jen?" She looked at me and I just glared at her then looked at Lisa sitting beside me

Jennie: "Don't mind me. Just tired"

Irine:" Yeah. Tired. Right" She looked at me skeptically and I just looked at her with a sad face.

She knows what's going on and what I'm feeling these past few months. She's one of my bestfriend. That's why. She and Rosé are my bestfriend but right now, I can't tell Rosé cause I already doubt her the time I ask her about Lisa eating lunch and I am sure that she's panicking at the other side of the line.

Lisa might be cheating on me and I hate the fact that the odds connected the two of them.

I can't think of any reason why not. Rosé is beautiful and everyone can fall for her. Including my girlfriend.

They have been closed the time me and Lisa's relationship started and I thought that's it. It's so cool that my friends and my girlfriend are not awkward but if I observe carefully, Irine's closeness with Lisa is more different with Lisa towards Rosé.

Something in my gut tells me that something is going on.

Lisa: "Irine, where's Rosé?" She asked while looking around

See what I mean?

Irine: "She said that if you're already here, we can already order and not wait for her. She'll be here. She just has to grab something from the doctor's office " she said slowly and just like always, she's observing Lisa

Lisa: "Oh yeah right. I thought she forgot about that" she said quietly but it's enough for both Irine and I to hear

Jennie: "Why? Did she tell you she's sick?" I said chuckling and trying to cover up the pain

Lisa: "Ahm- I- ahh- Yeah. She said yesterday that she would leave early at work cause she had a headache so-yeah" she nervously said

Irine: "Yeah. Headache. Right" She looks at us back and forth and I can see that she does not believe whatever reason Lisa gave.

As do I

:" Irine, please tell me that you already ordered food. i am starving. I have a hangover. The party last night is lit. I can't seem to miss it"

Irine:" Ow. Rosé Hi. Really? The party is great?" She said excitingly and glimpse at me thinking the same thing.

She kept Rosé's focus on her. It's obvious that she's oblivious of our presence

Rosé:" Yes. It's so awesome thay I didn't notice the time. I went there directly after work. You should come with me next time" she cheerfully said

Jennie: "Mind if I join you?" I said smirking

When she looks at her side, I can see the shock on her face.

Rosé: "U-unnie? Hey. I didn't notice you're already here. Hi" she nervously said and I saw how she looks at Lisa and Lisa just looked down

Jennie:" Why? You were so used to us being late? Well I can tell that it is really special today cause someone right here is so excited to go see you again. Isn't that right, baby?" I said faking my smile while touching Lisa's shoulders

Lisa: "Jen, not here" she said with gritted teeth

: "Hi there ladies, are you ready to order?" A waiter saved their asses

Jennie: " Nice save " I smirked at Lisa and she looked at me with her sad eyes

'No honey. That's not gonna work. '


:" Jennie, One of these days, you should teach me how to do your job. You're basically a millionaireand by what? Just sitting in your house and chilling?" She laughs and I just playfully roll my eyes

Jennie:" Stop that, Irine. It's not like you're lacking in money.  I'm sure Seulgi spoils you"

Irine: " She does but I just hate to rely on her always. I want to be like you towards Lisa. She helps you and you help her. Strong relationship " she said and I just smiled remembering the Lisa I once knew

I looked at her and she's focused on eating but she's sweating hard.

Jennie: "Well it's not all cupcakes and rainbows. You know a strong relationship requires time, effort love and NO SECRETS " I intentionally said the last word with a stress

I eyed her sideways and she had her eyes close still sweating. I looked at Rosé and saw her eyeing Lisa with worry.

Lisa: "Excuse me. I have to go to the restroom" she said quickly and got up from beside me

Guilty already?

I observe how Rosé tries to hold back her tears and I am so close to freaking out and having a hair wrap around my hand

*clear throat*

I looked at Irine and she just signed at me to not  do it.

Jennie: "Alright. That's it. I can't do this anymore. Rosé, Happy Birthday. Irine I'm going. Just tell Lisa that I'll take a cab" i said with a strong voice. Quickly got up and went directly towards the restaurant's exit

I quickly wiped away the tears I never noticed falling out of my eyes.

'Of all the people, really? One of my bestfriend. That's really low Lisa'


     What do you think guys? Let me know in the comments 😁

Have a great day 🤗

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