Chapter 24

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: "Don't even think about moving an inch, you spoiled kid." I can hear the murderous tone in her voice so I just remained on my feet. Scared to move

 Scared to move

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: "Stop it, Santana. We talked about this. You welcome our guests by making sure they won't come back " I let go of the breath I'm holding when Liam's Aunt spoke

Santana: "And you know how I'm pissed at this kid cause he brings this chicken lady who is head over heels for you" i felt her walks pass me and quickly hugged her wife

Britt: " You can move now, Liam" she said but the Latina just glared at him so he is hesitant

But when our eyes met, she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me intently causing me to gulp and look over at her wife for help

"Alright. That's it. You're sleeping on the couch, Santana" she said then walk towards Liam

"Liam, honey, calm down. You look like you will pop anytime" she caresses Liam cheeks and instantly he calms down but still remains at his place . Then she proceeded towards me

"Hi dear. My name is Brittany Pierce, what's yours?" She asked while smiling so wide and I can say that her smile is infectious. I smiled widely too

: "Beautiful" i heard a voice and when I diverted my attention from Ms. Brittany I saw Liam looking at me lovingly

I felt so awkward so I quickly looked back at Ms. Brittany

J: "I'm Jennie Kim, ma'am. Nice to meet you" i offer my hand for a handshake but she ignored it and hugged me

B: "No ma'am here. Just call me Auntie Britt, alright?" I just nod at her while smiling. She's so beautiful

I heard someone cleared a throat and I saw the Latina girl looking at Ms Britt seriously

B: "Ow yeah right. She's Santana by the way. She's my wife" she introduced her and walked towards me but she really is scary so I hid at the back of Ms. Britt that didn't go unnoticed by her

"And she's going upstairs " Ms. Britt said while looking at her wife

S: "Britt, why?"

B: "And if she doesn't go upstairs right at this moment, she will always eat alone"

S: "You gotta be kidding me. That-"

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