Chapter 1

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: "Baby? I love you and all but you have to hurry. We're gonna be late and I hate to deal with grumpy chipmunk" she said while she ties her shoelace

Jennie: "Stop being dramatic and help me dry my hair" I rolled my eyes playfully and she just sigh

She closed her eyes for a moment and walked towards me. She then grabs the blower and starts to dry my hair

: "I'm serious Jennie. We're gonna be late and you know her attitude. Besides it's a really important day for her " she explained calmly

Jennie: " Did you just call me by my name? " I harshly turned around to face her and she just sighed once again

:" Not this again" she murmured "I'm just trying to talk to you seriously. Calm down" she raised her voice

Jennie: "Said it to yourself, LISA" I matched her tone and grabbed the blower out of her grip

Lisa: "Stop acting like a kid Jennie and start dressing. Please?" she tiredly said and it's my turn to sigh

Jennie: "Fine. Get the car ready and I'll be there in 20 minutes "I kissed her cheeks making her blush

I don't say sorry. I just put it through my actions and that's enough for her.


My long time girlfriend .

We met in college. Not a typical love story but I'll reminisce about that part some other time. Right now, I have to hurry and not to pissed her again.


:"Well that might be the fastest time you got ready" she commented cheekily

Jennie:" Lisa, You told me to hurry. What do you expect?" I rolled my eyes and she just sighed and opened the passenger door.

Lisa: "Stop rolling your eyes. We're not in high school anymore" she said then turn the engine

I just glared at her but she's so focused on the road.

'Please make me understand. I know there's a reason'

That's what I always think to justify her attitude. It might seem normal for a 3 year relationship that's been living under one roof but for me, it's REALLY DIFFERENT.

I lean my head on the car window and divert my attention to the building we pass through .

It's not really like this the last 6 months. She never raises her voice at me, she will always make me feel special. She would help me prepare when there's an occasion like this, in fact, she would always defend me when someone points out we're late and our friends know that it's always because of me cause they know that Lisa hates being late.

Lastly, a day wouldn't pass that she wouldn't tell me she loves me.

Call it shallow but that simple thing makes me love her and choose her everyday.

But we will not always get what we wanted right?

Sometimes I just hate myself.

I hate the doubts.

I hate to think that she would do the very thing I clearly said I would never forgive her if she did it.


I hate that. I trust her. But the way she's treating me now and the things that happened this past few months makes me think otherwise.

She would always leave right after having breakfast whether I'm awake or not. At exactly 8am, she's out of the house and she would go to work I have to call her when I wake up cause she didn't even bother to text or even write a note or whatever just like she used to do.

At lunch, I always call her co-worker and her friend Rosé to know if she eats already and by the sound of her voice there is always a panic in it that I can't decipher. Nevertheless, she would tell me that Lisa did and she's just too busy to pick up her phone cause even while eating she's also working.

And I understand. I understand cause I have work too but unlike them, I can do it from home.

Evening came and it was always past 8pm when Lisa would walk inside. She would always get home tired and it's visible to her face. One time she went home full of sweat and her clothes were a mess like she just ran a marathon after I called her where she was.

That's what has been bothering me for a long time now. I want to comfort her but I really want to know if there is someone trying to mess us up. I'm willing to go on a killing spree if someone tries.

:" Jennie? JENNIE"

I quickly look beside me and she has her forehead scrunched.

Jennie: "Are you obligated to yell at me every time?" I sadly said cause it's happening often

She sighs and I know she knows it affects me. Yet she already did it. Countless times

Lisa: "I'm sorry. You're in your own world and you're not answering me." She looked down "We're here" she said sadly

She got out of the car and I can see from her face that she really didn't mean to raise her voice.

'What is this Lisa? What's going on?'


     What do you think guys? Let me know in the comments 😁

Have a great day 🤗

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