Chapter 18

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: "Miss Kim? Miss Kim?" I heard someone calling me but it's like the time just freezes in my world

He is waving his hands Infront of me but I can't move.  He is now snapping his fingers but still, I can't respond.

Not until he flicker my forehead that causes me to blink

: "Oh thank goodness. I thought you got paralyzed" he put his hands over his chest and the panic is visible to his face

J: "Who is your guardian angel?" I asked while still on faze

: " What?"

J: "Mr. Lee, I asked who do you say is your guardian angel?" I asked with a louder voice and he is clearly taken aback by it


L: "Geez. Alright. Calm down woman. Her name is Lalisa Manoban. Why? Do you know her? Can you help me find her family and friends?" I looked at her hopefully but she just looked down

J: "How did it happen, Mr. Lee? How come you got her heart?" She asked while she's still looking down but I can see the forming of her fist

L: "Ahmp. I don't really know. All I know is she has like a cancer-type illness and Auntie Britt - my doctor told me that she undergoes late treatment so her body wasn't able to cope with it. " i shrug my shoulders and that's when I saw the anger in her eyes

J: "You had her name. Why didn't you look for her family or friends or even her girlfriend before you agreed to accept her heart?" She slams the table and she is literally turning red right now

L: "I-i tried Ms. Kim. But it wasn't in my control.  All they said to me was that Ms. Manoban wants to keep the confidentiality of everything. And I know that it's my fault cause I broke it right now by telling you" i lowered my head cause I feel like I just disrespected her last wishes. The person who saved my life

I heard Ms. Kim let out a deep sigh and I timidly looked at her. She's small but oh man she really is THAT scary

J: "I'm sorry. I need a break. Excuse me" she didn't even bother to wait for my response and immediately left the room

What is her problem?


After I left the room, I immediately went to the elevator and push the top floor button so I canhave a breather. Everything is a mess. AGAIN

If she's still here, she can explain this things to me.

She always does.

If she's here, i wouldn't be an overthinker again. I'm sure she would give me perspectives that I missed out.

She always does.

If she's here, she will fix this.

She always does.

The elevator dings and that's what woken me up by my wishful thinking.

I went out of the elevator and looked for the stairway leading to the rooftop. I quickly went up and it's like I'm being suffocated.

I can't breathe.

I abruptly opened the door and that's when the cold winter breeze hit my body but for some reason I wasn't feeling cold.

All I know right now is that I need some answers and I can only get it from her.

My safe place.

I was still gasping for air when our conversation flashes at the back of my mind and the emotions that I am holding back can't be contained anymore and I just yelled so loud.

Screaming the pain in my heart.

"WHYYYYY" I yelled again and I sob hardly

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME. " At this state, I no longer care if somebody will think that I'm crazy

"You know that you're the one I needed the most so why did you do that? WHYYYY" I keep on screaming while looking up and I let my tears flow.

: "Unnie?" I heard a soft voice at the same time a body just hugged me.

J: "Rosé, she's here. She's still here" i hugged her back and she just cradled me like a kid cause I won't stop crying

R: "Who, Unnie?" She asked confusedly and I looked at her eyes and an Idea popped up in my head that caused me to smile at her.

J: "She's here, Rosé. I won't let her go this time" I keep on looking at her with a smile and I can see the confusion in her eyes

R: "I hate to ask this but are you okay? I was on my way to you when I saw how pissed you are so I followed you here and I assure you everyone in the office heard you yelling. You're crying not 10 seconds ago and now you're smiling? What's going on?" She asked carefully and I just sighed. How can I pass this kid that's been raised by her lawyer parents

J: "Mood swings, Baby chip" i gave her my gummy smile and I saw how her eyes got teary

"Hey. What's going on? Are you gonna cry?" I carefully caresses her cheeks and she just noded

R; "You're happy, Unnie. Your smile. That smile. I miss that so much"  she hugged me tight and I heard her sniffing so I just caressed her back up and down

J: "Everything will be alright now" I said lowly and she just hugged me more

It will work.

It has to work.

I have to have her.... through him.

I lost her once. It won't happen again.

Her heart belongs to me and I'll claim what's mine.

If that's the last thing I do

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