Chapter 8

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: "I don't know where to start unnie, but I would like to clarify that Lisa, she never cheated on you nor did it occur on her mind. " I stated clearly and she just sigh

J: "I know that now Rosé. I'm so sorry about the accusations but you can't blame me for it. I was going hysterical of.... things. And at first I don't want to think of that 'cause we promised that we will never fight for a lover but that happened and she just..... changed " she sigh deeply.

I: "Damn right she changed." She butted in and I just looked at her

R: "She don't want that to happen. I noticed her changes too and that's when I keep a close eye on her because like you, I really thought she's cheating on you so I would like to protect you Unnie. But I can't forget how I discovered her condition. It all started when .....


I was busy trying to analyze this non-ending files that I should submit for monthly report. It's getting on my nerves and I keep on getting glances on my last hope. The person who sitted across from me and I know will help me

: "Lisa, I beg you, help me with this please? " I was on the verge of crying but I was seems invisible in her eyes

She keep her eyes focused on her phone and it is clear that she's nervous

"Hey monkey!" I whisper-yell at her that caught her attention

L: "Yeah? What do you want, chips?" She looked at me but I glared at her

R: "What's up with you? You look so pale and you're sweating hard" i scanned her body movement looking for something suspicious and she just chuckled

L: "Quit looking at me like that Chipmunk. If I didn't know amy better, I would say that you're an AI and you are currently analyzing me. I know I'm hot" she winked at me and I just looked at her disgustingly

R: "I swear, up to this day I'm still figuring out what Jennie-unnie sees in you that she fell in love with a monkey" i rolled my eyes and expected a wit remark from her but nothing

L: "Yeah. I'm just lucky enough that she stayed.... But  not me" she murmured but I heard it clearly

R: "What are you talking about huh? I tell you what monkey, if you try to cheat on Unnie, I'm going to jail for murdering you" i glared and pointed my fingers at her to express my clear intention but she just smiled

L: "You know it will never be necessary"  she grinned and I can tell from her eyes that her words contained double meaning but I let her be and did not push it

R: "Whatever monkey. I said what I will do so you won't be shock but before I do that, help me with this please?" I pout at her and point at the pile of papers at my desk

L: "Oh stop it. You're not as cute as Jennie. You look like a flat-cheek chipmunk" she laugh and I just cross my arms but she beckoned her fingers indicating that I should go to her with my papers

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