Chapter 9

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: "How many times do I have to tell you, you don't need to do that Jen. You're not a free-loader. You're my sister in another mother"

J: "Unnie, I understand that but It's not like you have a choice. You need to go home. Auntie needs you. Please trust me that I won't embarrass you at work. It's the least I can do" i put a firm hand on her shoulder and I observe as it slumped down admitting defeat on this 3 day discussion

I: "I-Jen it's just that -" she's trying to justify her point again

J: "No. Unnie. No more of that. You needed help, I can help, so I will. You get that?" I looked at her directly and she just looked somewhere else

I: "I wouldn't bother you if it isn't urgent, Jen" she looked down and I just furrowed my forehead

J: "What's up, Unnie? Wjy do I feel like you don't want me to cover for you? You don't trust me enough. I just broke my heart, not my capabilities as a person"i rolled my eyes and she just sigh

I: "Jen, I thought we're pass with that. And you of all the people know how much I trust you. It's just that..... they know." She said and looked at me with sad eyes

J: "Know what? I don't understand "

I: "Jen, they know who you are. Regardless of the time that happened, they will surely brought up what happen to Lisa and you taking my place as the Ceo's secretary won't do any good. Not for me but for you. People talk. I'm sure they will talk and I hate to trigger you again and I'm scared that we will lose you again" she quickly wiped her tears and I can see how much she cares about what happened and how it is affecting her

J: "Unnie, I made a promise to you and to that baby Chipmunk. I'm okay now. I work again after our talk and it keeps my mind busy. Helps me not to think so much about her so please, let me help? "

I: "If you are sure that you can handle things there, then I agree. If not then you can continue working here. I don't mind. I'll just look for another job." She looks at me seriously

J: "Unnie, no. You've done so much for me. I can't make you any more sacrifices. And I promise if they talk, I*ll handle it"

I: "How? Up until now, you never visited her tomb" she sat down and I can hear the sadness in her voice

Can they blame me tho?

J: "I have my reasons, unnie. The thing is, I'm willing to take your place, temporarily so you can focus on auntie. And it's not like you're girlfriend won't be there to help me. I know you won't let me alone" i rolled my eyes hoping that I get her to change the topic

I: "She better watch and help you or she will be in a hospital too" she aaid with gritted teeth and I just pity that bear already

J: "Yeah yeah say that to her. So, can you tell me now what you do everyday? It's a little training" i wink at her and I saw her smile but the worry in her eyes is still there

I: "Training my ass. You're coming with me now and I'll show you. Mr. Lee is a great boss. I'll just talk to him to walk you through everything. You're ready now right?" She looks so scared . I don't want this kind of fave of her so it's time for me to do what I do best


J: "Yes, Unnie, I am" i said with a wide smile hoping that it would be enough

Me, going to the working place of Lisa is ......

But what choice do I have?

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