Chapter 16

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I just ended a phone call and on my way to Mr. Lee's office as I will be giving him his scheduled meetings when I heard some shouting outside the office. It's rare for Mr. Lee goes this way because he likes to handle things privately.

: "Dad, come on. You know that I can't do this"

Mr. Lee: "Liam, don't be such a kid. You build your own business from scratch and now you're telling me that you can't do it?" He throws his arms in the air and I just continue to watch them. Waiting for one of them to notice me

L: "Yes but where is that business now? Gone right? Aren't you scared that I'm gonna do the same thing here?" He pleaded to his dad

What a kid.

His a kid in a man's body.

Mr. Lee: "Oh please. It's a project. It's not like I'm gonna turn over everything to you" he brushed him off and walked towards me

L: "it's not a project, it's a BIG project and I can't do it with that woman. Last time she punched me -"

Mr. Lee: "Ah. Ms. Kim. Perfect timing" he said as he saw me once he looked up from the papers he was holding

J: "Mr. Lee, good morning" i nod at him and he just smiled at me

L: "Please Dad. No" he shouted as he sprinted towards us

Mr. Lee: "Stop it, Liam. You don't have a choice. You're going with her"  he glared at him and his son just looks at me timidly

J: "Mr. Lee, what is the commotion all about?"

Mr. Lee: "Ms. Kim, I know that Ms. Bae told you that you won't have any job except for taking care of my meetings and schedule so as the paperwork is preparedbut can you please make an exception for this one?" He looked at me smiling

J: "And what would that be?" I said seriously and I can see Mr. Lee's son mumbling something to himself

Mr. Lee: "Well, you see there is a big investor coming on our Paris branch and my son here don't like to travel and magically lose his interest in dealing with clients so I have to be there instead of him" he looked at his son and he just lowered his head

J: "Okay. And what does that have anything to do with me?"

Mr. Lee: "I was hoping that you'll help him. He will temporary take my place as a CEO and I can't trust no one except you because for a short period of time you have the grasp on how things work here. Added to that, maybe you can teach him stuff to maybe you know, handle things around here all on his own?" He said while smiling at me widely

J: "So let me get thus straight Mr. Lee. While you're away, you want me to train your son how to he a CEO. Is that what you want to happen?" I smiled at them and I can see the relief on both of their faces

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