Chapter 12

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: "Ms. Kim, I know that you can defend yourself but would it kill you to let the man at least finish his words before you go Jet Li at people ?" She just looked at me with pleading eyes

J: "Ms. Park, He was trying to get something from his pants. I don't know if you watch documentaries but I do so I thought that he's looking for some drug to suffocate me with then who knows what he's planning. I'm just protecting myself" i cross my arms and looked away at her

Ms. Park: "Regardless of that, You should know that violence is never the answer . You can kill someone from your moves and we saw it once. I personally thought it was just mere reflexes but looking at what you did to this poor boy. It's been an hour and he's still unconscious " she looked at the man in the couch and he is still passed out with his mouth slightly open

J: "Again, Ms. Park, I just tried to act to what I believe is necessary. I saw a man inside MY office coming from the bathroom. What should I do? Ask him if he needed tissue or something?" I continue to reason out because it seems that they are not getting my point

Ms. Park: "I didn't said that. All I'm saying is-"

: "Sandara, please. Go easy on her. It's not her fault and you know it" i rolled my eyes as soon as I heard that voice

Ms. Park: "Mr. Lee, good morning sir" she stands up and bowed to him

Mr. Lee: "I see that you have another victim Ms. Kim"  he chuckled and I glared at him

J: "Oh please. He is not a victim. I am. He's such an ignorant man that didn't have manners. Who knows, maybe he is a pervert." I shrug my shoulders

Ms. Park: "Ms. Kim. You're crossing the line. Did you know who he is? He's -"

Mr. Lee: "Sandara, let me handle this. Alright?" He looked at her and she nooded then left the clinic.

"He is not a pervert, Ms. Kim and he is an educated man. I can assure you that. But I can't get a pass to the point your saying because he is really wrong on going to your office. So I am sorry for what he did" he said sincerely and I know we bicker all the time but he seems so serious now

J: "And how can you be so sure to that Mr. Lee?" I looked back at him with the same seriousness

: "Dad?"

We got interrupted by that intruder's voice and I rolled my eyes again and Mr. Lee chuckled before whispering

"Because he is my son"


You know what?

I'm gonna start looking for Irine-unnie's new job 🙂

: "Dad, what is she doing here?" He asked while pulling Mr. Lee Infront of him and use him as a human shield

Mr. Lee: "She's working here. That's why. I think that the better question is why you go roaming around other person's office. I taught you better than that. "He said seriously and I am still amaze how he becomes playfull then go all-serious mode

Maybe he have multiple personality


That explains why

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