Chapter 11

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: "Unnie, let's go. We're gonna be late! " I heard Rosé yell and I just sigh then walked out of my room

J: "What's up with you, baby Chip? You're always eager to go to that mental facility? Did they give you free foods again?" I said grumpily and she just whined while clinging into my arms

R: "They always had food there and always gave me extra. I'm friends with the staff there" she said happily

J: "Yeah. I noticed but it wasn't a shocker really. If I didn't know any better, that's the thing that sealed the deal for you. You are working for cray-cray and they gave you food" I said sarcastically and she just pout

R: "Don't be mean, Unnie. The food is really great"

J: "I'm not. I'm just squeezing the truth out of your fluffy cheeks. Now tell me why you're pushing me to go there half an hour earlier than usual? It's been going on for weeks and you can't tell me that it's just Rosé's 2.0" I keep on glancing at her since I'm driving and she's just fidgeting her fingers

R: "You know you would be a really great lawyer. Why don't you try it? " She said seriously

J: "I would, wouldn't I? Now as a good lawyer, you should know better than to divert the topic. So spill" i smirked at her and she just looked at me pleading

R: "Please Unnie. Let it go for now. I don't wanna jinx it" she said with pouty lips and I just smiled at her

J: "Wow. It's not about food huh. Now tell me or I will go slower and we will be late so whatever you plan to do today, just forget about it" i said as I was slowing down and the panic in her eyes is showing

R: "No unnie. Please. I'll tell you just drive like a normal human being please" she looks at me begging and I just glance at her but remained my slow driving

J: "I didn't know that the road here is beautiful." I said while looking outside

R: "Argg fine it's not about food. It's about a person"  she said in an annoyed tone and I speed up a little

J: "I'm gonna need more than that"

R: "Well, you see I was attracted to this person."

J: "Uh-huh. And then?"I was going 40 mph now

R: "And I think I have a crush on him" she said while looking everywhere

J: "Ow hey. I totally forgot something at our house. I need to go back" i flicker the signal light indicating that I will make a turn

R: "Alright fine. Her. HER. I think I have a crush on her" she said with defeated tone

J: "First it's disgusting that you said "him" . Second of all, you out yourself to us since you're wearing a diaper and you had girls' fantasies. There's no way that you will stay still with a guy" i rolled my eyes at her

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