Chapter 10

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: "You can ask me anything that you didn't understand, Jen." She's still looking at me with worried eyes

I hate it.

I'm not fragile

I'm a strong woman.

I just sigh and look at her seriously.

J: "First thing in the morning, I need to organize Mr. Lee's schedule. If I have more time I will call his scheduled meetings to confirm their meeting will be held and where. If it's done, then I will inform him and make sure that I remind him 15 minutes beofre his meetings cause he tends to forget about it. While he is in a meeting, I will take care of the papers and have it prepared so he will just sign it. I'm not a typical all-around secretary to book him reservation. I work for the company that he leads not for him individually." I recite every word she just said and I can see the relief in her eyes

"Please unnie, stop treating me like a baby. I'll be fine."

I: "I know that. Just remember what I said, if someone bothers you-"I i cut her off cause she's been saying it for the nth time

J: "If someone bothers me, tell Seulgi to beat them, if she's being extra kind, ask Rosé to take a bit in their limbs. " I recited once again and she nodded in approval

"It's such a bother to then, unnie. Maybe you forget how I smash that boy's face when she tried to touch me earlier in inappropriate manner" i look at her challenging and she it's her time to look at me

I: "He's not a boy. He's a man. The man's face you smashed is a security guard, Jennie and he's  not touching you , he had to run that stupid metal detector for weapon but no. You decide to go all Jackie Chan girl version and use it against him to take his head off of his body. The poor guy will definitely have trauma." She sighs then looks up murmuring something

J: "Well, it's not my fault. He scared me"

I: "Yeah and while you're at it, keep me updated to NEVER. EVER sneak up on you. Oh men. Now I do have trauma too" she whimpers and stomp jer feet like a kid and I just chuckled at her

: "So you're the Ninja girl that everyone is talking about"

Both Irine-unnie and I got a whiplash trying to look behind me to find the owner of that voice because it's so deep and scary.

I: "Mr. Lee" she said while lowering her head

What the?

Mr. Lee? As in the big boss of this huge-ass company?

Mr. Lee: "Ms. Bae" he replied with courtesy to unnie but his gaze is still on me so I looked back at him

I: "Mr. Lee, alllow me to apologize what happened down there. It's really my fault. I thought that it was the best way to show her what I do everyday since she will temporarily take my place. I'm so sorry sir." Irine-unnie bowed again and she's pulling my hand to bowed to but I remained standing on my ground. I felt something unappropriate so I won't let it pass.

Someone taught me to never back down if I know I am right

She taught me and I will do just that.

Mr. Lee: " Ms. Bae, you're apologizing for her but I can clearly see that she's anything but apologize. Isn't that right Ms. ?" His face is still unreadable but I stand still.

J: "Kim. Jennie Kim, " i have a staring contest with this man and Irine-unnie is still trying to make me bow but I keep on pulling her so she won't bow again

This goes on for a good two-minutes of push and pull game before I furrowed my eyes and asked myself

"What's wrong with people in here"

The seriousness on Mr. Lee's demeanor completely turned off and he is now laughing like there's no tomorrow.

Mr. Lee: "Oh - you should've seen his face. It's a complete mess" then laugh more

I: "Mr. Lee, I Know you're too kind but -excuse me sir- are you crazy now? Why are you laughing?" I snort at her comment and she looked at me confusedly but the big guy here laugh more

J: "I though you said he's kind. Unnie, he's cray-cray. I'll help you find another job when you get back."i whisper at her and she just pinch my waist

Mr. Lee: "Ms. Bae, please remind me to add bonus before you leave. I didn't laugh that hard. I owe you and you Ms. Kim. So feisty. I like her already, Ms. Bae. Be back soon cause with her stunt like that, I will definitely keep her so your job is at stake here" he said jokingly while trying to hold his laugh then leave us along

J: "No wonder why you guys like this place. It's a mental institution... but in a formal type of thing" i said while looking around and saw some people are looking at me with approval and nodding their head

Craziness all over

I must have said that out loud cause I just hisses in pain when Irine-unnie pinch me again

"Shut it"

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