Chapter 22

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J: "Rosé, please I am serious" i glared at her and she just fakes cry

Rosé: "I get it Unnie. I promise I won't burn down the house. I'll order food if that makes your mind calm" she looks at me tiredly and I just sigh

Jennie: "You can ask Jisoo to come over if you want" i smiled genuinely at her cause I really hate the fact of leaving her on her own. She's my baby.

Rosé: "Come on, Unnie. I thought you would stop teasing me" she then covered her face with her hands

Jennie: "I am not teasing you. I just want you to be safe. It's not like Jisoo can make you pregnant " i rolled my eyes at her and she just groaned once again

Rosé: "Unnie, I am a big girl already. I can handle 3 days without you here. I swear" she hugs me and I just pull her even more closer

Jennie: "You sure? I can ask Irine-unnie to go home or Seulgi to stay here with you" i said with a soft voice

Rosé: "I'm 25 Unnie. I got this. Besides we are still not okay. You know with Seulgi " she shrug her shoulder and I saw how she tries to act like she's cool with it but I know how much she cherish her friends

Jennie: " You need to get over that, Rosé. The poor girl is avoiding both of us at the office. "

Rosé: "She should also avoid talking to you about her that way in the first place. Maybe she is our "go-to" person right now" she is being hard headed right now

Jennie: "You're just saying that because you want me to get off your back, right?" I looked at her intently

Rosé: "Maybe" the she flutter her eyes at me

Jennie: "Fine. You win. Just call me if anything happens, alright? " I firmly told her

Rosé: "Yes Mom" she said in a childish tone and I just glared at her

A door bell ting interrupted the intensity of my glare at Rosé and she just chuckled at me

"The future husband is right on time" she whispered at me before walking pass at me and get my luggage at my room

I then proceed to open the door

: "Well, I was picture you running towards me with an open arms when you open that door but with the scowl on your face, I stand corrected" he gulp then raise her hands and I rolled my eyes at him

J: "Too early for tht Mr. Lee" i turn my back at him then grab went to the couch to get my purse

Liam: "Excuse me? Who's Mr. Lee? I'm L. Nice to meet you" i look at his direction and he is still at the door way

Jennie: "What are you doing?"

Liam: "What?"

Jennie: "Why are you standing over there? Don't you want to come in? "

Liam: "I was not invited so I will stay here" he then smiled at me widely and I was being hypnotized again by her eyes that exactly look like Lisa

I was cast out of my trance when I heard a multiple thud and the next thing I saw is my luggage on the floor

: "Oh my my. You can smile, sir?" It was Rosé. Covering her mouth with both of her hands.

Liam: "Ahm. I guess so. I'm just a human Ms. Park" He then scratch the back of his head in a 'not so cute way' and Rosé got shock even more

Rosé: "Unnie, Your future husband is good-looking when he is in a mood but you never told me that he is handsome when he smiles" she whispered at me but she never takes off her eyes at him and I just cleared my throat

Jennie: "Are you done now?" I ask Rosé with a raised eyebrow and she nod still in faze at him so I get her face to make her look at me

"Rosé, just 3 days. Please try to stay alive within those days alright?" I hug her immediately and she murmur a promise that she will

Rosé: "Mr. Lee, take care of her for me, please?" She looks at him seriously.

She just fantasizing him not 30 seconds ago

Liam: "You can call me Liam Ms. Park and yes I will. You too. Take care of Jisoo for me alright?" He winks at her and I glared at him

I saw how Rosé blush. I don't know if it's because Liam mentioned Jisoo's name or by Liam's wink

I then pull Rosé to hug her once again saying my reminders and at the end of it I whispered to her that causes her to be stiff

"Don't you recognize someone when you see him smile?"

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