𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮

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LANA STARED UP AT THE CABIN THAT was her home for seven years. She was dreading walking back inside and seeing the faces of her brothers and sisters. The last time she was inside, they all looked at her as if she was the one who betrayed them. For some reason, she felt as if she did.

She took a deep breath and exhaled, rubbing her sweaty palms against her leggings. Her clothes suddenly felt too tight and she wanted to take off her sweatshirt. She really wondered if she should. All of them knew who it was originally from and he wasn't their most favorite person.

The feeling around her nails began to feel numb because of how much she was picking at them. She wished that Percy was next to her, offering her words of comfort or holding her hand.

With one more deep breath, she slowly opened the door and ventured further inside.

The familiar smell of home wafted past her nostrils. While the rest of camp looked dead and bland, the inside stayed completely the same. The same warmth, happiness, and compassion could still be felt in the air.

But that all changed when everyone's eyes fell onto Lana.

"LANABELLE!" Travis and Connor exclaimed with wide smiles as they both bolted towards her. Their arms instantly wrapped around her and she was ecstatic to see them again.

When they pulled away, the same smiles were still plastered on their faces. "You have no idea how happy we are to see you." Travis said.

"We missed you so much." Connor ruffled her hair.

Lana couldn't even be mad about that. "I missed you guys too. I heard that you guys are the new camp counselors for Cabin Eleven. That must be exciting."

They both looked at each other after she said that and the expression that passed between them made her incredibly suspicious.

"About that -"

"Oh, Lana, how good it is to see you, love." Sam emerged between the twins and pulled Lana into her arms. She squeezed her so tight, the black-haired girl was barely able to wrap her own arms around her.

The older girl pulled away and beamed down at her. "Finally, someone around here with some common sense."

"Hey!" Both boys crossed their arms and glared at her.

She brushed them off. "Ready to lead the way to dinner, camp counselor?"

Lana felt as if time had frozen. It was as if her heart had suddenly stopped pumping blood. A ringing sound blossomed in her ears, growing louder and louder as the seconds ticked by.

"I'm not camp counselor." She responded, her eyebrows furrowing together.

Sam looked back at her with a similar expression. "But Travis and Connor told literally everyone that you were taking over the position when you came back. I thought they talked to you?"

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