𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪.

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PERCY WAS WALKING WITH JAMES TO THE training arena to help him get better at his sword training. Since the black hair boy was one of the best, James thought it best to learn from the best.

"So, it's true? You really destroyed the minotaur all by yourself?" James questioned him as they inched closer and closer to the arena.

Percy nodded his head, the memory so small in comparison to the rest of his summer, that it was beginning to fade from his mind. "Yeah."

"Wow, that's amazing, man. I feel like I would've shit my pants." The blonde said back. Together, they laughed as they pushed the doors open.

They both fell silent when they saw who else was in there. It felt as if the temperature in the room increased to be boiling hot.

Lana Castellan was wearing a black sports bra with black shorts and her hair thrown up into her classic ponytail. What really caught them off guard was that she was doing downward dog on a yoga mat...with her ass facing them.

Her head whipped to the side and she looked around herself to see the intruders. Both boys had their jaws dropped and were shamefully looking at her with darkened eyes. The desires that clouded Percy's mind in the strawberry field returned, but they were much larger than before.

I just wanna - No! Percy, do not think that of your best friend!

She stood up and turned to face them, wiping the sweat off of her forehead with a breezy smile. "Hey, boys." She said breathlessly.

Percy closed his eyes momentarily. Holy. Mother. Of. Fuck. His mouth felt drier than the Las Vegas desert. He gulped to try and form a response. "Hey, Lana." He cleared his throat. "W-what are you, um, doing here?" He questioned. He cursed at himself for how stupid he sounded.

"I did a small workout and was just finishing my cool down." She answered, turning away from them and heading towards the water cooler. Her hand reached for an ice cold water bottle and she poured half of its contents down her back.

Percy, for the fucking life of him, could not pull his eyes away. His mouth was completely parched and he was looking for a nice sip of water. Stop fucking thinking these thoughts, you idiot!

"Are you guys training or something?" She questioned as she faced them again.

"Yeah, we were just gonna - um, practice on my sword fighting skills." James said shyly, a hot pink tinge coating his cheeks. He downcasted his eyes. "Nothing crazy."

"Mind if I join you?" She walked towards them with a bright smile and each step she took added another sinful thought to Percy's mind. He wouldn't lie and say his eyes weren't exploring her body shamefully.

"I don't mind if you don't mind." James said quickly. He looked at Percy with wide eyes. "Do you mind? I don't think he minds. I don't think either of us, me and Percy, mind if you join us, Lana. If you don't mind," his words began to slow down as the two other demi-gods looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Joinging us." He finished.

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