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LANA WAS TOTALLY, COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY...SPEECHLESS. She didn't know what to say or how to respond. His words took her breath away and left her standing there like a complete idiot. Her mind was still reeling from his words, the words she didn't know she was dying to hear from him since the day they met.

"You, Alana Fraoula Castellan. I want you."

His words played on repeat in her head, her heart beating faster and faster the more she thought about it. She could feel herself getting lost in the sound of his voice, in the ocean breeze smell he emitted, in the way he was touching her. His hands...his fucking hands that haven't left her the moment he saw her. They seared burning hot against her skin, imprinting a mark that the two of them only knew about. And that thought alone made her feral.

"Love, say something please," he pleaded, his hand brushing a strand of hair out of her face as his eyes searched her face wildly. She could feel his desperation for her and it was fueling the fire within her to glow hotter and hotter.

Just looking at him made her mind go fuzzy. All common sense abandoned her and the need to kiss him consumed her. His lips looked so smooth, she wanted to feel them against her own. His hair looked so soft, she wanted to run her fingers through them. His arms looked so strong, she wanted them to wrap around her and press them together. She wanted to touch and feel him in a way no one else has. 

Without thinking clearly, she bravely took a step closer to him and planted her lips against his with her eyes screwed shut. Her force caused them to both stumble on their feet, his hands flying to his waist to stable them. His back was pressed against the tree behind him, but she couldn't give a fuck. All she cared about was kissing him senseless.

The reality of her actions came crashing down on her and she forced herself away from him. She was in utter shock. She kissed him, she kissed her best friend. And she didn't regret it at all.

Her breaths were coming out in short pants as her mind caught up with her heart. This is what she's been wanting for the entirety of their friendship. Him. She wanted him and she prayed that he was willing to give himself to her.

He stared down at her with wide eyes. It was his turn to be speechless as his jaw opened and closed, like a fish out of water. The longer he was quiet, the more she began to think it was all a mistake. She couldn't read his expression and it was driving her crazy. What was he thinking? What was going on in his head? She needed to know.

"Lana," he gasped out, his hands lowering down to her hips and squeezing them tightly.

Lana knew that that singular kiss wasn't enough, but he looked like he physically needed more.

He exhaled shakily, running a hand through his hair. His sea-green eyes stared into her soul and she knew that whatever he was going to say would be forever imprinted on her skin.

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