Chapter 12

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Shu Mengfei almost fainted when she heard the words "Wolfhearts and Dogs Lungs".

In the eyes of the students around, she has always been excellent, diligent, beautiful and kind. She is regarded as an innocent and inspirational goddess. Everyone likes her very much. No one has ever said such serious words to her.

"You are too insulting!" Shu Mengfei's eyes were red, and his whole body trembled, as if he had been wronged by the heavens.

Lu Yan did not change her face, and continued: "If you think this is an insult, then I tell you, when you are a girlfriend and enjoy all the resources and benefits that Lu Zhen brings to you, please be a girl. Friend's conscious, don't eat in the bowl and look in the pot."


Shu Mengfei took a step forward.

Lu Zhen immediately pulled Lu Yan behind him, fearing that Shu Mengfei would hurt someone because of his anger.

His instinctive reaction made Shu Mengfei unacceptable. Lu Zhen, who spoiled her and loved her as usual, would actually protect the girl who slandered her.

"Don't you say a word!" Shu Mengfei looked at Lu Zhen in disbelief: "Let her say that to me?"

Lu Zhen was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Lu Yan always quarreled with him and made troubles, but he didn't expect to defend him at critical times.

To be honest, he was very moved.

"Actually...she was right."

Lu Zhen forced out this straight man's quotation in a low voice, and successfully angered Shu Mengfei away.

After sulking her away, Lu Zhen started to sulking with herself again.

Lu Yan looked at Lu Zhen's dejected look and knew that he actually cared about Shu Mengfei in his heart.

He has always been a man of affection, otherwise he wouldn't marry him for more than 20 years after his mother's death.

After all, as a handsome president who was in a high position in his prime, many women from all walks of life showed good wishes to him, squeezing their heads and wanting to be Lu Yan's mother.

But Lu Zhen never looked at them more.

Although the woman named Jian Yao died young, she might not have thought that she possessed the loyalty of Lu Zhen's life.

Liang Ting walked over, and Lu Zhen glanced at him uncomfortably: "Who asked you to bring her here? Jing made trouble for Lao Tzu."

Liang Ting smiled heartlessly: "I think my goddaughter said nothing wrong, Shu Mengfei was a bit...what, white-eyed wolf."

"You still say it!"

Lu Zhen was anxious and was always scolding Liang Ting, but she didn't blame Lu Yan at all. Liang Ting was quite aggrieved, saying that the disaster was caused by Lu Yan. What are you scolding me for.

Lu Zhen glanced at Lu Yan, the little girl was standing against the wall, her delicate eyebrows gathered slightly, she was quite innocent when she pulled the corners of her clothes, and completely lost her arrogant appearance that had just been unreasonable.

He was about to open his mouth to curse symbolically, but he didn't want the little girl to jump directly into his arms, hugged his waist, and muttered, "My dad was dumped, so pitiful."

Lu Zhen:...

The little girl comforted him, "It's okay, bye bye bye bye, and the next one will be better."

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