Chapter 60

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The Department of Art has always been a major that Lu Yan dreams of.

Lu Yan wanted to apply for an art college, but this dream was brutally killed by Lu Zhen in his second year of high school.

At that time, Lu Zhen was also stubborn enough to say that all majors were chosen by her, but only the art department could not.

Absolutely not.

Lu Yan is not an obedient girl, so at that time, Lu Zhen put a picture of her mother on the sofa and asked her to watch her lose her temper and smash things, without saying a word.

Yaoyao, I can't protect you, but even if I die, I will protect her.

Jiang is still hot, and can't twist her thigh with her elbow. Lu Yan is not her dad's opponent at all.

Therefore, even though she has this talent, she has no choice but to give up because she missed the registration time for the art entrance examination.

Singing is the only thing that the rich second-generation girl Lu Yan is interested in besides eating, drinking, and having fun. Since her father did not let her take the road of art, when she applied for college majors, Lu Yan behaved very well in Buddhism. The books are too lazy to read.

Lu Zhen knew that she had broken the tank, and he didn't blame her. After all, she was still a little cautious.

So at that time, Lu Zhen always had a volunteer book in his hand, no matter when he was in a suit and leather shoes when he was attending the board of directors, or when he was meeting with clients for dinner.

Sometimes I will discuss with the people around me, what majors have development prospects, and what majors can enable children to learn real skills.

The whole world knows that Lu Zhen loves his only daughter, so she is also very enthusiastic and talks about helping him with suggestions.

Some directors said that if you study financial management well, you will inherit your business in the future, but immediately other directors will come over and wave their hands and say no, no, no, too tired, girls, just learn a little language, or learn literature and train. Literary literacy...

After thinking about it, Lu Zhen applied for a French major to Lu Yan.

Lu Zhen hadn't thought about the specific use. If Lu Yan goes abroad to work in the future, he is certainly not willing, but he thinks French is good, romantic and temperamental.

So Lu Yan studied French inexplicably.

She herself is not interested in this major at all, so let's do it. The grades are not bad or not, just keep it medium.

The only good thing is that she has learned to sing French songs, and she can sing very well.

Any knowledge and skills will always be useful when they are learned, even if it is useless at the time, but in the long road of life, there will always be useful.

Lu Yan did not expect that the first pot of gold she earned in her life was not based on her talent, but on the French major she had learned casually in the past.

During that time, the girls in our department went crazy, saying that Bado was recruiting brand models. This season's brand endorsements began to be amateurs, and young and aura girls.

The Bado brand is a foreign luxury brand. After occupying the Chinese market, it has been deeply loved by China's high-end luxury women's clothing market.

There are rumors that Bardot will go to the Communication University to select candidates.

The students at Nancheng Communication University, no matter their looks or temperament, are able to get on the stage.

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