Chapter 24

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Shen Kuo and Zhong Kai selling discs under the overpass belong to the shift system. Zhong Kai guards the booth during class, and Shen Kuo guards it after school.

During that time, the business was extremely hot, and almost every day he could earn hundreds of yuan in income, which was definitely several times that of Shen Kuo's previous part-time work.

So Zhong Kai is right. In these years, doing business is the kingly way. Don't look at the small business now. Looking at the next twenty years, they may be the ones who will make a fortune and get rich in the future.

But Shen Kuo also gradually discovered something wrong. Recently, it seems that most of the people who come to buy discs are men.

Not only that, they looked very strange when they bought the disc, looking forward and backward, sneaky, as if they were doing something shameful, and they were more careful than entering the red-light salon on the street.

Several times, Shen Kuo watched that they disassembled the discs, picked them up, and bought more than ten copies.

One day, he finally couldn't help asking a man who had bought 20 discs: "You only bought it yesterday, and now you buy so many more, can you finish watching it?"

The man said repeatedly: "I can watch it all, I'll watch ten in one night!"

Shen Kuo's eyes twitched. These guys are eating the dishes for dinner!

At first, Shen Kuo was puzzled, until Lu Zhen somehow ran to him to fight, he hurried to find Zhong Kai under the overpass, and saw a skinny middle-aged man and Zhong Kai arguing——

"Can't you just give me the dish I want!"

Zhong Kai showed an old treacherous smile and patted his chest: "Of course not. I have the rules for selling discs here. Good and bad discs are picked up by themselves. It is all luck and should not be returned."

"You are too bad! It's really no business but no evil!"

"The only thing I can guarantee is that if you buy ten discs, at least two of them must be what you want to see. I do business in principle."

The thin man seemed to compromise: "Okay, you can give me ten. If there are none, I will ask you to settle the account!"

"Without you coming to me, I will give you one for free!"

When the thin man was about to pay, Shen Kuo came over, grabbed Zhong Kai by the collar, and asked coldly, "What are you selling!"

Zhong Kai was taken aback and explained: "Hey, Brother Shen, I didn't...not sell anything. I sell serious movie discs."

Shen Kuo had guessed what he was doing with his back on his back. He snatched ten discs from the thin man's hands, rummaged through them, and found something wrong. Three of them had been unpacked and the repackaging was very rough. It's not the original disc.

It's a good move.

Before Shen Kuo even had time to question Zhong Kai, several law enforcement officers from the industrial and commercial departments and uniformed police came towards them.

"I go!"

Zhong Kai hurriedly cleaned up the stall, but later saw that it was too late, so he simply lost the stall and ran away.

But it was too late. As soon as he ran away, the police immediately caught up: "Stop!"

A police car also approached from the other end of the street, blocking Zhong Kai's path.

The small vendor thought that it was the city management who came again, and hurriedly closed the stall and fled, and the scene was chaotic.

"Why are you arresting me! What did I do!" Zhong Kai shouted: "Let go of me!"

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