Miscarriage part 2

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When y/n woke up, she looked around and saw Seokjin next to her sitting down in a chair and holding his hand.

She weakly smiled. But that simile went away when she remembered what happened. She raised her hand to her stomach and began feeling it, she began to worry because her belly was softer and not as hard as before.

"Jin? What happened? My belly bump? It's gone" she said panicking. Jin held her hand in his and kissed it. She felt one of seokjin's tears drip on her hand.

"My mother pushed you and...you had a miscarriage...the baby couldn't make it" he said in between sobs.

Y/n felt her whole world crumbling down. Everything seemed so perfect, now it's gone. She started to cry softly but eventually she cried like the llorona from Mexico (//sorry yall//)

"My baby! I lost my baby!!" She yelled while crying. Jin stood up to comfort her  but before he could even get close to her, the monitors and machines hooked up to her started beeping. Jin reached for the emergency/call button. Two nurses rushed in and began to take care of her. The doctor and another nurse also rushed in and the nurse told Seokjin to back away so they could take care of her.

"What's going on?!" He asked worried.

"We need to sedate her so she can calm down" the nurse said. She slowly walked Jin outside the room and closed the door and went back to take care of her. Jin watched through the small window door. He felt useless, he couldn't help her.

After a few minutes, the nurses came out, then the doctor. He explained that she would be asleep for a few hours, and that they'll keep her under observation.

He walked inside and looked at her helpless, unconscious body. He pulled a chair next to the bed and held her hand with one of his hands, and stroke her hair with the other while he cried.


When she woke up, she remembered what happened with her baby, she began to tear up and cry silently. Jin was next to her asleep, head resting in the bed while holding one of her hands, but he woke up when he felt her shaking. He stood up and tried to register her emotions.

"Jin...is our baby really gone?" She asked

"Yes...but we will get through this together my love" he said trying to seem strong. Right now, she need a strong shoulder to cry on. Jin can't be the one needed consolidation.

Y/n sat there for a brief moment in silence, she looked very thoughtful. She looked up at Jin and said with a pained expression.

"Seokjin we need to break up. Hear me out please. I don't want to be the one holding you back from being happy, if you would like to find someone else to have a family with, you're more than welcome to. I want you ti be happy and free and not tied up to someone who lost your child. Even though it pains me to say this...I want to break up with you. It is for your own good" she finished her last sentence and Jin bursted out laughing.

"What are you laughing at? She asked, confused as to why he was laughing.

"Min Y/n, you are surely stubborn" he said I. Between laughs

"How am I stubborn? I want you to be happy" she said with teary puppy dog eyes.

He sat down on the bed, and she sat up, he reached for her hands and kissed them. He looked up at her and made sure to kiss her plump and slightly chapped lips.

Him or me?  Jin  ff. Ft Namjoon Where stories live. Discover now