Growing up so fast

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Seokjin was at home taking care of his daughter while Y/n was out with some friends. Even though Y/n said she could just stay home and take care of their baby, Seokjin thought it would be a good idea for her to have a night out.

While eunna played in her playpen, Seokjin was in the kitchen cooking some ribs. They were almost done, all he needed to do was to coat them with a barbecue sauce and they would before ready to be eaten.

The door bell rang and he went to check who it was. When he opened the door, he found Namjoon outside with a carton of beers, and some snacks.

"Hi Namjoon, what brings you by?" He asked.

"Just thought maybe we could spend some brother time?" He asked.

Seokjin nodded and chuckled. He stepped aside and opened the door wider for Namjoon to come in. After taking off his shoes and replacing them with slippers, he walked in further. Eunna noticed his uncle walking in, and began to giggle and smile.

Namjoon smiled and handed the stuff to Seokjin.  He walked over to the play pen and picked up eunna. The little baby giggled as her belly was tickled by her uncle.

"How are you sweetie?" He asked, he received a baby babble from eunna.

Seokjin walked in with two beers in hand. He handed Namjoon one and opened his beer first before opening Namjoon's.

They sat down in the couch and talked for a couple of minutes before his phone alarm went off. They stood up and went to the kitchen.

When the smell hit Namjoon's nostrils, he alsmot drooled on eunna. Seokjin is known for his amazing looks and cooking. He told Namjoon to sit down so they could eat. Namjoon immediately sat down on a stool in the kitchen island.

"This looks amazing hyung" Namjoon complimented his brother.

Seokjin smiled and thanked him. After playing their food, he placed the plates down, one in front of Namjoon, and went to get them two cups of lemonade.

"So tell me, how's things with yeonmi?" Seokjin asked as he sat down.

He was about to reach for eunna so Namjoon could eat comfortably but Namjoon shook his head no, and with his free hand he pushed seokjin's hands away.

"It's ok hyung, I don't mind. Things with yeonmi are great, amazing even..." Namjoon stayed quiet for a second.

"But...?" Seokjin asked.

"But I think I'm ready to take it to the next level" Namjoon said.

Seokjin chuckled and hugged his brother. He patted his back and sat back down. Namjoon was smiling big, so big that his dimples were showing.

"Congratulations Namjoon, what made you take this decision?" He asked

Namjoon sighed fondly and smiled.

"I found my Y/n" he said, seokjin looked at him confused.

"Before you ask questions just hear me out. Y/n is such a great woman, she's smart, funny, kind, and overall she makes you happy. Well, yeonmi makes me happy, she's smart, funny, and she's also a good woman. And I think I want us to start a family" he said.

Seokjin nodded while smiling.

"Congratulations again Namjoon, I think it's wonderful that you want to settle" Seokjin said.

Namjoon had left already. Seokjin was putting eunna to sleep. Her little eyelids were getting heavy and every now and then they would close but she'd jump awake and stare  at Seokjin for a couple of seconds and then repeat the cycle again. Seokjin thought this was cute.

Him or me?  Jin  ff. Ft Namjoon Where stories live. Discover now