Its a...

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The newly weds had told their family and friends the good news, and everyone was thrilled. A new baby joining the family.

When they told Linda about the news, she yelled and rejoiced due to the good news. Yoongi was excited to be an uncle and vowed to be the best uncle ever. Taehyung and Jungkook could not stop showering Y/n with love and affection and many many snacks. Namjoon was also thrilled to be an uncle, he hugged his brother and sister-in-law.

At the moment the couple was back at the clinic for the gender reveal appointment. Ever since Y/n told Seokjin the doctor told her to come back in a week for the gender reveal, Seokjin hasn't been able to contain his excitement.

"What do you think it is?" Seokjin asked quietly.

Y/n hummed and thought about it.

"I'm not sure...I want to say boy since I had a dream about us having a baby boy" she said looking at Seokjin.

"Honestly I'm hoping for a baby girl, but either or is good, as long as it's a healthy and happy baby" he said grabbing the back of her hand and pulling it up to his lips to kiss it.

"Kim Y/n?" A nurse called out.

Seokjin helped Y/n stand up and both of them walked to the door where the nurse was. The nurse let them to a small room so they could take her vital signs.

"How are you today?" The nurse asked.

"I'm excited, we get to find out the gender of our baby" she said excitedly.

The nurse wrapped a pressure cuff around her arm and pushed a button for the machine to start compressing the cuff. She also took her temperature.

Once that was finished, she led them to a consultation room, where they waited for a few minutes. They heard a knock on the door, and the doctor walked in.

"Good to see you again Mrs.Kim, you must be Mr.Kim"

"Yes ma'am" he said shaking the doctor's hand.

The doctor sat down in front of them and opened up a file.

"Everything seems good, but tell me, have you had any pains? Any difficulty breathing?" The doctor asked

"No ma'am everything has been good" Y/n said.

"Well let's get started shall we? I bet you both are excited" she said leading them to the bed where the ultrasound machine was. She sat and lifted up her shirt and lowered her bottoms just a bit.

"Again, this gel might be a little cold" she said squeezing the tube.

Y/n held seokjin's hand, earning a squeeze from him to reassure her that everything would be ok. After a few minutes m, the doctor turned the screen to them.

"You both ready?" The doctor asked. The couple nodded eagerly.

"Congratula mom and dad, you both have a beautiful baby girl" she said with a smile.

Seokjin smiled and felt tears roll down his eyes. He turn to look at Y/n who was already crying tears of joy as well.

"A baby girl?" Y/n asked to confirm. The doctor nodded and showed where the baby's genitalia would be.

"Seokjin we made a baby girl" she said. He helped her clean up the gel from the belly and helped her stand up.

He leaned in to kiss her.

"Our baby girl" he whispered.

The remainder of the day was spent cuddling and scrolling through Pinterest for baby Girl room ideas. Well, Seokjin was the one doing the research, Y/n just watched.

"What do you think babe? Maybe we can add like a little rainbow? Should her room have a theme? Maybe we can go ahead and by her baby clothes, what do you think?" Seokjin asked as he scrolled through the page. He didn't hear a respond so he turned his head to the right where his wife was laying down, and noticed she was asleep.

He smiled and let her sleep. He saved some photos for inspiration and decided to cuddle his wife. He gently pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her forehead and drifted to sleep.

Seokjin woke up and noticed that his wife was not in bed, he turned to look at the alarm clock and saw the time.


He got up and checked the bathroom. He called out her name and didn't hear anything. He made his way downstairs to see her sitting on the couch surrounded by snacks, watching a series. He smiled fondly. He walked closer to her so she could look at him. When she turned her head to look at him, she smiled sheepishly.

"Hi honey" she said softly as she ate a spoon full of ice cream.

"Hello darling, how long have you been here?" He asked raising a brow, putting his hands in his sweatpants pockets.

"In South Korea? All my life" she said licking the spoon.

Jin raised his eyebrows.

"Oh you mean here sitting on the couch? About three hours" she said innocently.

Seokjin chuckled and took half of the snacks away from her.

"Hey" she whined.

"All of these have too much sugar, how about we buy takeout instead? You're probably hungry" he said walking to the kitchen and storing the snacks away. He heard footsteps and then suddenly felt some arms wrap around his waist.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked turning around and wrapping his arms around her.

"I just wanted a hug" she said softly in his chest.

He chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

"Let's go get us some food, yes?" He asked, she nodded and began walking towards the door.

He chuckled.

The parents decided to take another day off and wanted to go to the mall to buy some stuff, mostly for the baby. Also, Y/n wanted to buy maternity clothes since she was starting to show.

At the moment, Y/n was trying on some maternity clothes while Seokjin waited for her outside the dressing room.

"Babe what do you think of this one?" She asked twirling around.

Seokjin smiled.

"You look beautiful, my love" he said fondly.

"Ok, I think I've seen enough clothes for today" she said as she walked back to the dressing room and changed back to her original clothes.

After a while at the mall, they decided to go back home since Y/n was getting tired. That whole afternoon was spent, yet again, with lots of cuddles and sleeping.

Jin's hand would occasionally rub her belly. Y/n loved the feeling of him being so close to her.

Just a few more months and they shall have their baby with them.

Him or me?  Jin  ff. Ft Namjoon Where stories live. Discover now