New family

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Jin's mom was walking around the mall with her two body guards. After hours of shopping she finally decided to go home. The body guards guided MRS.Kim to the limo and then started to drive to the mansion.

The limo was driving by a park. And from the corner of her eye, she noticed someone familiar. She looked at that direction and noticed it was her son, seokjin.

He was wearing casual clothes and looked...happy. Then he saw you, and an older woman along with a kid.

She made some questions in her head that she would ask him another day.


A few days passed and Jin's mom decided to visit Jin at his office. Everyone in the office knew who she was so they just bowed.

She got inside the elevator and stopped at the last floor.

She walked down the hall and stopped right in front of your desk.

"Hello Mrs.Kim"

"I'm here to see my son, I'm going in"

You didn't even had time to tell her something because she was already inside.


Jin looked up and saw his mother walking towards him.

"Hello mother"


"Why are you here? Not that I'm hoping you leave" he said as he clicked his mouse and moved it around alittle.

"I'm hoping you answer my questions"

"What questions?"

"Why are you so happy recently?"

Jin looked at her and shrugged.

"Is it because of that girl?"

"Her name is y/n...and yes, but also because of her family"

"What does that poor family have that we, your rich parents and rich brother don't have?"

"Love, love is what I never had in my real family"

"Are you kidding me?! We gave you money and this is the things we get?"

"I never needed money-"

While Jin and his mom were arguing, Jin's dad also walked in his office.

"-I only needed a mom to bake me cookies when I was sad, I needed a dad to teach me how to ride a bicycle, I needed parents to love me"

"Love is for the weak. You don't need love, you need power"

"And finding a new family is disappointing. We thought you were better than this."

Jin has tears in his eyes. On the other side of the building, you and some of your coworkers were listening through the door.

"What do you think it's going on?" One female worker asked

"I don't know" you said, but in reality, you did know.

Suddenly his parents opened the door and walked out. You closed the door but didn't go inside.

You could hear things being thrown around and things crashing.

"Everyone just go back to work" they listened to you and quickly went back.

You wanted to go in but you felt that it was better if he let his frustration out.


Y/n pov

10pm was seen at the bottom right corner of your computer. Almost everyone had gone home. The only people in the building were janitors, Jin, and I.

I decided to go inside his office to check on him, but fort i turned off my computer and got ready to leave.

I walked inside after knocking softly. I saw him asleep laying his head down on the desk. I walked closer to him and noticed that he had been crying. His closed eyes seemed puffy and pinkish, there was tear streaks on his cheeks.

I shook him softly and watched him open his eyes slowly. He sat up and looked around, noticing everything was almost dark. The only light source lighting up the room a little was the shinning moon and his computer screen.

"What time is it?" He asked with his voice raspy.


He stood up and turn off his computer. He stumbled a little.

End of pov

"Cmon, lets take you home" you said as you grabbed ahold of him. He didn't walk, instead he just stood there.

"What's wring jinnie?"

"My father disowned me...."

You look at him with your wide open eyes. He sighs and chuckled sadly.

"I mean it's better for any it? Either way they weren't paying attention to me"

You pull him For a hug which he gladly accepts. You run your fingers softly in the back of his head.

"Cmon, it's late" you and Jin walk out to the elevator then to the parking lot.

Jin opens the door to his car but is hesitant to go inside.

"You ok jinnie?"

He looks at you and fiddles with his fingers. You though it was cute that your handsome always confident boss was being shy.

"C-can you come over? Like a sleep over?" He asked showing you his puppy eyes and pouty plump lips.

"Okay but let me go to my house first to get some things"

"You don't need to do that. I got an extra tooth brush and charger"

"What about my clothes?"

"You Can borrow mine"

Him or me?  Jin  ff. Ft Namjoon Where stories live. Discover now