Come back home

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Everyone was at the front of the hotel, it was around 5am in the morning. After what happened last night Namjoon wasn't talking to jin or you. You didn't mind really, but it confused you.

That kiss from last night was like...magical. Jin felt something he hasn't felt before. He doesn't know what it is, but he likes this feeling.

Jin managed to sit next to you. He would give you glances every now and then and you just pretended not to know about it.

You were so tired, you decided to take a nap while the bus drove everyone back home.


Jin was busy on his phone that he didn't felt your head on his shoulder right away. He turned off his phone and felt something heavy in his shoulder. He looked to his left and saw it was you. He smiled and leaned his head against your head and decided to take a nap.

Namjoon was looking at you both from afar. He felt jealous. He didn't like seeing you and Jin together and so close.

He sighed and tried to sleep but whenever he closed his eyes he only saw you and Jin kissing.


Everyone was dropped off at the building, people already going to their cars ready to leave and rest.

Well, everybody but you and Jin. He had asked you if it was ok for you to stay a few hours with him so you can prepare the work for tomorrow.

You left your things in your car and went help him. He decided it was better if you worked with him in his office. But in reality, he wanted to be close to you.

After several hours, both of you finished. He stood up and turned off his computer. Both of you walked to the elevator in silence.

"Thank you for staying for a few hours y/n"

"Don't worry about it jinnie"

Both of you smiled to eachother. Jin liked this, he enjoyed your company and your conversations.

The elevator stopped at the parking lot, both of you walked to your cars which were next to each other.



Before both of you went in your cars, he got the confidence to walk up to you and stand close to you.

He took your hands in his and then looked at you smiling.

"Thank you for the kiss...." he said winking at you.

You chuckled and nod.

"No problem, I....I liked it"

Jin smiled wider.

"I liked it too"

Him or me?  Jin  ff. Ft Namjoon Where stories live. Discover now