Chapter 1: The Start of a Discovery of a Lifetime

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It was the next day, and the white dragon was currently trying to make a makeshift nest in the back of the cave with the blankets she had taken from the viking outpost on the other side of the island that very morning while the little girl was messing with a strange object that the dragon also stole along with the blankets for the girl to play with.

( A/n: Yeah

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( A/n: Yeah... Bet ya didn't expect that, but if you did expect it, good for you. )

The little girl was trying to figure out how the object worked or what it was, but she makes a small growl out of slight frustration.

Little girl: ( to herself, in dragon: ) Why would humans have this thing if it doesn't work?

Once the white dragon finished making the blanket nest, she gently picked her human child up before she carried the child to the nest and placed her in it.

White dragon: ( to the girl, with a purr: ) I'm going to get us some lunch. I'll be back as soon as possible. Now, what do you do if an intruder gets too close to the cave or goes into the cave?

Little girl: ( in dragon: ) If they are near the cave, use my big girl roar and you'll come running to scare the intruder off. If they are in the cave... If male, kick them in their weak spot, if female, punch them in the gut and take off to use my big girl roar in a safe spot.

White dragon: ( to the girl: ) That's my girl. Stay safe.

The white dragon then licked the girl's cheek before she walked out of the cave and took off. The little girl laid down in the blanket nest before she went back to trying to figure out how to use the strange object in her hands.

( Meanwhile, with the riders )

Hiccup and the riders were currently looking at a small trail of dragon footprints on the ground, outside of Astrid's house with their dragons.

Astrid: I still don't get it. How can a dragon just go into someone's house and steal something without alerting anyone, or breaking anything, or anyone seeing it? It doesn't make sense. And it only stole our blankets and, for some reason, the dragon eye.

Ruffnut: Maybe it was a ghost dragon?

Tuffnut: A very sneaky ghost dragon.

The riders just gave the twins blank looks, but then Hiccup noticed something about the prints.

Hiccup: ( to Toothless: ) Hey, bud, come over here for a second.

Toothless did what Hiccup said and walked to stand beside him next to the prints while the gang looked at Hiccup with confused looks.

Astrid: Hiccup, what are you doing?

Hiccup: Look at the footprints, don't they look familiar to you?

Snotlout: Not really.

Hiccup gestures the prints to Toothless, which the night fury seemed to get what Hiccup was thinking and put a claw onto the ground next to one of the footprints, making a print onto the ground and when he removed his claw from the ground, the riders saw that the prints were almost completely identical, causing the gang and their dragons to have looks of shock on their faces while Hiccup and Toothless had excited looks on their's.

Fishlegs: Wait, does this mean what I think it means?

Hiccup: That there's a chance that there is another night fury on the edge and Toothless isn't the only one? I certainly hope so.

Astrid: But that doesn't explain why it would steal blankets or the dragon eye instead of food.

Tuffnut: Maybe it has a kid? Like a human kid or something.

Ruffnut: And it took the blankets to keep the kid warm and took the dragon eye as a toy for them?

The rest of the riders then turned to the twins and gave them blank stares, not believing what they said as a possibility.

Tuffnut: ( confused: ) What?


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think the riders' reactions are going to be when they meet the white dragon and the little girl.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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