Chapter 5: A Start of A Bond? ( Part 2 )

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( A/n: By the way, I forgot to mention, this original episode takes place the day before Edge of Disaster. )

The little girl stayed still with the strange object held in her right hand as Toothless held her in his claws while he and the other began flying towards the strange village with the six vikings on their backs. She is used to being carried like this by her mother whenever they have to flee from hunters or angry vikings. She didn't know why they were taking her to the strange village, but she was scared of if they were taking her to the village's alpha to try to trap her like many hunters have tried in the past.

The dragon riders flew to the stable's landing platform, Toothless and Hiccup stayed in the air with the little girl while the others landed and opened the stable doors for the night fury and his rider. As soon as the doors were open, Toothless flew into the stables and gently placed the little girl on the ground before landing beside her.

The little girl quickly growled and backed away from the riders and their dragons as the rest of the riders and dragons came inside the stables.

Hiccup: ( to the gang: ) Leave the doors open, we don't want her to feel like we're trapping her.

Tuffnut: And what is your plan exactly? She doesn't understand what any of us say.

Hiccup: That's why we aren't going to talk. We just need to show her that we're not threats and get her to hand over the Dragon Eye willingly.

Snotlout: And how are we going to do that?

Hiccup: By showing her what the Dragon Eye does.

Astrid: Uh, Hiccup. Are you sure that's a good idea? Some of the Dragon Eye's projections have some...scary pictures on them.

Ruffnut: For example, the razorwhip projection has a picture of a person getting sliced in half on it.

Hiccup: Yes, but it's about dragons. If we do this, our dragons can tell her that we don't hurt dragons, we, in a hand, understand and are at peace with them. The Dragon Eye can be proof of that.

The little girl stayed where she was as she continued to growl, she was being cautious of the vikings in the building with her and the dragons. She didn't understand a word the vikings had said to each other while their dragons watched them, seemingly listening to the vikings' conversation, but then the Viking with the metal leg seemed to have said something to Toothless and pointed to her, causing the little girl to glare at the Viking in response out of fear as Toothless began walking towards her with the metal legged viking followed behind the night fury.

Toothless: ( to the little girl: ) It's okay. My rider, Hiccup just wants to show you something. He just needs you to hand over that thing in your hands.

Little girl: ( to Toothless, in dragon while looking at Hiccup with caution and fear: ) What's a rider and how can I trust he and his pack aren't going to trap me to get to my Mama.

Toothless: ( to the little girl, calmly: ) First off, A rider is a human that doesn't hurt dragons,  they help and make friends with them. And secondly, they don't want to trap you or your mother, they just want to help you. Just please, let us show you.

The little girl was hesitant but she made a small dragon-like coo in response, agreeing to Toothless's request, causing Toothless to move his head to gesture Hiccup to approach the little girl. Hiccup simply nodded to the dragon before he slowly walked closer to the little girl with the other riders and dragons watching.

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