Chapter 9: Edge of Disaster Part 4 of Part 1 ( Short )

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Hiccup, Snotlout, and Johann were now searching for Fishlegs and Kaia on the island the wild dragons flew to.

Hiccup: And they just picked them up and flew off?

Snotlout: Yeah, definitely, that's how it happened.

Hiccup: Johann, did the wild dragons take anything from the ship? Food, fresh water, anything?

Johann: No, Master Hiccup. They seemed only interested in terrorizing me until you lot came along, then they started terrorizing you. Which was a bit of a relief, if I'm being honest. I've always been a great friend to the dragons. That they would turn on me like this, it's inconceivable. And to take a child, the poor thing must be terrified.

Snotlout: ( honestly: ) Yeah, I don't think Kaia would be scared of them. Confused, maybe, but scared? Nope.

Hiccup: This doesn't make any sense. Nightmares, Nadders, Gronkles, even in the wild, these dragons shouldn't be this aggressive. I mean, from a Speed Stinger or a Changewing, those dragons I could understand, but maybe these guys have just never seen humans before.

Snotlout: All I know is that we've been around these guys in the wild. None of them have ever acted like this. Let alone kidnap kids!

Hiccup: Snotlout, I hate to admit it, but you've got a point.

( Some time later, with Kaia and Fishlegs )

Kaia and Fishlegs were now in the home of the wild dragons. Some of the dragons were surrounding Fishlegs to intimidate him while one of the Nadders had Kaia sit beside them, the Nadder was guarding her and was keeping her away from Fishlegs. Kaia then heard a small sound and glanced up to see Hiccup, Snotlout, and Johann at the edge of a nearby cliff, making her smile slightly, which Hiccup noticed and he gestures to her to stay quiet before he pointed up, causing the girl to look around and saw that some of the wild dragons were keeping watch on the higher grounds.

Kaia: ( thoughts: ) Great... Watchers. Whoever the alpha is, he's prepared for anything like Mama.

( With the Light fury )

It was now dawn, and the Light fury was now tied to the mast as Ryker stood next to Dagur on the ship. She watched as the Edge came into view, making whined silently in worry and sorrow.

Ryker: ( to Dagur: ) You feel the air? That's fear. Soon it'll be death.

The Light fury quickly glared at Ryker when he said that and was now mentally planning on making the hunter pay for his words.


That's it for this episode, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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