Chapter 15: The Light's Name ( Part 2 )

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It was night, and the Light fury was sitting at the edge of the cliff where the watchtowers were, with Kaia peacefully sleeping on her back. She was looking at the moon with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Light fury: ( with a small whine: ) I wish you were here, Mal...

One of the Light fury's ear-like appendages twitched a little as she heard something approaching her and Kaia from behind them, and she turned her head to see Toothless, who gave her a nervous look in response.

Toothless: ( to the Light fury: ) Sorry... I didn't mean to-

The Light fury: ( rolls her eyes ) ( with a calm expression: ) Relax. I'm just glad it was you instead of those annoying vikings. They have been annoying me all day with their ridiculous name ideas.

Toothless: ( as he sits down next to the light fury: ) Yeah.... But did you really have to throw Snotlout off a cliff after he suggested " Cloud " to be your name?

The Light fury: ( with an annoyed growl: ) He deserved it. It ain't my fault that he couldn't think of something that wasn't dumb sounding.

Toothless: ( nervously: ) So.... Who's Mal?

The Light fury gave Toothless a slight glare with a hint of reluctance, before she lets out a defeated sigh when he gave her another nervous look.

The Light fury: ( with a hint of sadness: ) An old friend...

Toothless: oh... Sorry, I didn't mean to-

The Light fury: ( chuckles ) Relax, Viking's pet.

Toothless: ( with a dumbfounded look: ) Pet? I ain't no pet.

The Light fury: Could've fooled me. Tell, when was the last time you caught your own fish instead of having your " rider " get it for you and serve it to you in a basket?

Toothless wanted to say something in response, but he was somewhat tongue-tied, making the Light fury look at him with a knowing smile on her face before she spoke again.

The Light fury: ( to Toothless, a bit teasingly: ) Aw, what's the matter, Viking's pet? Terror got your tongue?

Toothless let's out a huff in response to the white dragon's teasing, making her chuckle silently as to not wake her daughter. Toothless then curiously glanced at the sleeping child on the female dragon's back before he looked at the Light fury with curiosity in his eyes.

Toothless: ( Curiously: ) If you don't mind me asking... How did you get Kaia? I mean, I understand that's a bit personal, but...

The Light fury was hesitant to give the night fury an answer, but she then let out a sigh and glanced at the sleeping girl on her back with a soft smile.

The Light fury: ( with a purr: ) As crazy and corny as it sounds... I believe that the gods had sent her to me. I had no one before her. Everyone at my homeland found me somewhat odd because of my... uniqueness...

Toothless: ( with a raised brow: ) By that you mean, you being a bit violent?

The Light fury: ( with a calm look: ) It's not violence, it's communication. Anyway, of course everyone respected me and saw me as one of their best fighters, but... I was alone. Until one day... ( Glances at Kaia ) She washed up into my life. She was so small and frail, she didn't even look to have been a year old when I saw her, and to this day, I have no clue where she came from. She was just a baby, wrapped in cloth, floating in the water in a small basket. And from the moment she looked at me with her big teal eyes, I was smitten. But...the other dragons at my home only saw her as a threat to our survival, so...they gave me a choice, to get rid of her and stay with them, or to leave with her and never return. So... I chose her. My little gift from the gods. And I don't regret it even for a second, especially with all the adventures life had thrown at us throughout the years.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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