Chapter 4: A Start of A Bond? ( Part 1 )

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It was now moonrise, and the riders were flying over the island to search for any signs of the Light fury or the girl.

Snotlout: Why are we searching during the night again?

Hiccup: Because, Snotlout, both the Light fury and the girl seem to be nocturnal, meaning we'll have better chances of finding them during the night than the day-

Hiccup was suddenly interrupted by a small, familiar roar coming from below, sounding cheerful. The riders and their dragons quickly looked down to see all the Night Terrors away from the lookout towers, as most of them were playing with the little girl Hiccup and Astrid had met on the night before, they were playing on a cliff. The girl was happily play-fighting with the Night Terrors with a smile as she stood on her hands and knees, all the Night terrors were careful to not hurt the little girl and they made sure that she didn't get too close to the edge of the cliff.

The riders and their dragons were in shock at the sight, while Toothless...

Toothless: ( panicked: ) OH MY SCALES! GET AWAY FROM THE EDGE!

The other dragons and their riders watched in surprise as Toothless quickly began flying down towards the cliff as fast as he could with an extreme look of panic and worry on his face, while Hiccup held on for dear life.


The little girl and the Terrors stopped playing when they heard Hiccup's yell. The little girl quickly jumped out of fright when Toothless landed on the ground right behind her, she slowly turned her head to see the night fury and one legged viking, her eyes widened with surprise as Toothless looked down at her with a worried look while Hiccup gave her a nervous smile.

Hiccup: Uh, hi.

The little girl quickly growled at the two, her growl sounding a lot like a dragon, and ran to hide in a nearby bush, causing the night terrors to look at the girl with confusion and concern as the other riders landed beside Hiccup and Toothless.

Hiccup: ( sarcastically, as he got off of Toothless's saddle: ) Well, that went well.

Toothless only whined and he slowly began walking towards the bush while looking at the girl, who just stared at him with fear. The other riders got off their dragons' saddles and went to Hiccup, while keeping their eyes on the bush the little girl was hiding in.

Fishlegs: Did you see that? She growled at you, and it sounded like a dragon's!

Tuffnut: You guys weren't kidding about her acting somewhat feral.

Ruffnut: Did Toothless really have to cause them to stop playing by going to the kid? It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Snotlout: Uh, guys... What's happening with the dragons?

The riders noticed that the rest of the dragons had begun approaching the bush and the little girl within it while staying behind Toothless.

Toothless: ( calmly, to the little girl with a soft purr: ) Hey, it's okay. You remember us, right?

The little girl didn't say anything in response, and backed away slightly as Hookfang moved his head towards her and sniffed at her.

The Moon's Embrace ( A HTTYD RTTE Fanfic ) Where stories live. Discover now