Chapter 6: Edge of Disaster Part 1 of Part 1

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The little girl, now known to the riders as Kaia was in the Edge's watchtower with two dummies that looked like the twins, she was eating the smoked salmon that the twins had used to lead her into the watchtower. She stayed behind the dummies as she ate the fish, when she heard Stormfly's rider Astrid's voice coming from outside the watchtower, causing her to stop eating. Kaia didn't understand what the riders said, but she looked up at the blonde rider with confusion when the rider went inside to see the two dummies and the child in the watchtower.

Astrid: ( a bit angrily: ) Are you kidding me?

Kaia tilted her head to the side in response, not understanding what the rider said, but she was confused by what could've caused the blonde viking to be upset. She then quickly growled at the rider when she moved closer to the little girl to pick her up.

Astrid: ( to Kaia, calmly: ) Easy, kid. I'm just going to pick you up. I'm not going to hurt you.

Even though Kaia couldn't understand Astrid, the tone in Astrid's voice seemed to calm the little girl down as Astrid slowly picked her up and held her in her arms.

Astrid: There we go. Now, let's go find Hiccup before I decide to hunt down the twins myself.

Kaia: ( struggling: ) Hic... Hic... ( Growls in frustration )

Astrid: Don't worry. You'll get it one day, kid.

As Astrid got on Stormfly while holding the small child with one arm, Kaia noticed that Astrid had blue eyes like her mother the Light fury, which caused the little girl to wonder why her mother hadn't come for her or seem to be looking for her.

( Meanwhile, with the Light fury )

The Light fury was currently muzzled with dragon-proof metal chains wrapped around her body, restraining her wings and legs to her back and stomach. She was laying on the ground while Ryker stood over her with the green eyed and raven haired viking that had captured her and what she was mentally calling the ugliest and most deranged looking viking she has ever seen.

Dagur: So, Rykie, question. What's so special about this dragon exactly? It looks like a weak version of a night fury.

The Light fury glared at Dagur for his statement, and used her tail to trip him, then she chuckled when Dagur got up and glared at her.

Ryker: Don't let the beast fool you. Us hunters have been searching for this dragon for years, it's known to us as the Grimmel Slayer as it is the very dragon that killed the famous Grimmel the Grisly and freed his Deathgrippers after he discovered the girl the beast is raising.

Heather's eyes widened in shock when she heard this while the Light fury glared at Ryker when he mentioned her daughter.

Heather: ( to Ryker: ) It has a kid?

Ryker: Yes, a five or six year old girl with hair as white as the clouds and eyes that are the same color as the sea. There have been some rumors that the girl might be able to talk to dragons and having the ability to control every dragon she comes upon by looking at it. We plan on capturing her as well, if either of those rumors are true, if false we'll just throw the girl in the ocean and have the beast watch.

The Light fury growled at Ryker in response to his threat to harm her little girl, and Heather looked at the dragon with sadness in her eyes, but Dagur had a mischief look in his eyes when he heard what the Light fury did and the possibility of the little girl bonded to the dragon might be able to do. Ryker didn't notice either of the Berserker siblings' reactions to what he said, as he kept his attention to the Light fury, glaring back at her.

( Back with Kaia )

Kaia was standing beside Toothless as Astrid was talking to Tuffnut and Ruffnut about them leaving her on the watchtower with two dummies while Hiccup was reading some Terror mail that just arrived, which of course Kaia didn't understand a word of it.

Tuffnut: " Dummies", you say?

Ruffnut: She does. Poor confused thing.

Tuffnut: ( to Astrid: ) What you failed to realize in your foggy morning state, is that those are not dummies. They are scareships.

Astrid: ( annoyed: ) Scareships? You're serious?

Tuffnut: You didn't see any ships near the island, did you? I think not. And why? They were appropriately scared away. By the appropriately named " Scareships ".

Astrid: And you put Kaia in the watchtower with them because...?

Ruffnut: She was the last minute defense in case a ship does come to the island.

Astrid: ( to Hiccup: ) Are you following any of this?

Hiccup: Not super closely. I'm actually reading this. It's from Johann. He's in trouble.

As soon as Hiccup said the word " trouble " they heard a small yelp from Kaia and turned to see that the little girl was now hiding under Toothless's wing out of fear.

Ruffnut: Oh yeah, we forgot to mention. We found out that Kaia understands what the word " trouble ".

Kaia whined when Ruffnut said " trouble ", and she stayed under the night fury's wing with a scared expression.

Tuffnut: We learned that the hard way. You try getting that kid down from a tree, she bites. Hard. Trust me...

Tuffnut lifts up his arm to reveal a bite wound on his hand, it was small but looked surprisingly deep.

Tuffnut: ...I know. What did you think was the reason we chose to lead the kid into the tower with a smoked salmon?


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what other words do you think Kaia can understand.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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