Chapter 2: A White Night Fury & A Kid?!

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It was now night, and the riders were searching the island for any signs of the new dragon. They had split up to cover more ground ( or sky ) on their search, Hiccup and Astrid were flying over the other side of the island on their dragons. Toothless was looking down at the ground below with an excited smile on his face.

Astrid: Hiccup, what exactly is the plan when we find the dragon? Let me guess, train it?

Hiccup: Was there any doubt? This could be the only chance we'll get to see another night fury, we can't blow it, especially not for Toothless.

They then heard a small roar that sounded like a night fury coming from below.

Astrid: Was that...?

Hiccup: That's gotta be it! Come on, bud-! Ah, Toothless!

Toothless immediately started flying towards where the sound was coming from, making Stormfly laugh and Astrid rolled her eyes with a smile before they followed after the night fury and his rider.

( Meanwhile, in a clearing somewhere in the island's woods )

The white dragon was currently watching as the little girl was practicing her roar at a rock. The girl lets out a frustrated growl as her roar wasn't intimidating enough for her.

White dragon: ( To the girl, with a soft purr: ) Your roar is fine, sweetheart. It'll get louder and stronger as you grow.

Little girl: ( in dragon, with her arms crossed: ) But, Mama, all the dragons my age have fully grown and have gotten scarier sounding roars than I do. It's embarrassing...

White dragon: ( calmly, to the girl: ) You age differently than them, hun.-

The white dragon's head then precked up as she sensed something coming, the girl quickly knew what to do and she quickly hid behind a bush while her " Mama " stood in front of the bush protectively.

Toothless was now on the ground and was searching for the area the small roar came from, Hiccup wasn't on his back as the night fury had taken off to search as soon as they landed due to his excitement at the idea of seeing another night fury. He walks further and further until he spots a female dragon in a clearing, that looks like a white night fury. He noticed that the dragon was protectively standing in front of a bush while glaring at him. He stepped back a little when she growled at him when she saw him, but then he carefully walked closer to her, causing her to slowly calm down. The closer he got to her, he noticed that she was actually guarding what was hiding in the bush, his eyes then widened slightly when a little girl hesitantly walked out of the bush, staring at him with awe and curiosity as she hugged the white dragon's tail for comfort. They then stared at each other until a snap was heard, and the dragon protectively fired a plasma blast at a tree, causing the tree to fall down and the little girl made a scared whine and hugged the dragon's tail tighter when Hiccup, Astrid, and Stormfly slowly stepped out of their hiding places.

Little girl: ( in dragon, scared: ) Mama, the hunters found us again!

Toothless and Stormfly quickly looked at the little girl with shock looks while the white dragon was protectively glaring at Hiccup and Astrid.

Toothless: ( in shock while looking at the little girl: ) She can speak dragon?!

White dragon: ( angrily, to Toothless: ) Of course she can talk! She's my daughter!

Toothless: ( in more shock: ) Daughter?!

Hiccup: ( silently, in shock and awe: ) Oh, my gods! ( Notices the little girl ) Wait, is that a-

The white dragon angrily growls at Hiccup and Astrid while standing protectively in front of the little girl.

Astrid: Uh, Hiccup!

The dragon fires a plasma blast at them, but Astrid manages to push Hiccup out of the way of the blast and they get thrown far, but they still survive the blast. The dragon was about to fire another blast, but Toothless and Stormfly quickly stopped her by going in front of her and the now scared little girl.

Toothless: ( to the dragon: ) Stop, they're friends!

Stormfly: ( to the dragon and the little girl: ) They're not going to hurt you.

White dragon: ( with a dumbfounded growl: ) Friends?!

The little girl was still fearful and hugged her mama's tail as the two Vikings stood up, and she looked at them with slight confusion as one of them tried to talk to them, she only understood a few words the one legged viking said.

Hiccup: Yeah. It's okay, we're friends! No need to kill us.

Beside Hiccup and Toothless's attempts to calm the odd duo's fears, the white dragon picked the little girl up and placed her on her back before flying away from them, and before the four could even think about going after them, the white dragon fired a plasma blast and flew through it, turning invisible, and also making Toothless sad.

Hiccup: Wow!

Astrid: Another Night fury. And it has a little kid with it. ( Honestly: ) Let's not admit that the twins were right, we'll never hear the end of it.

Hiccup: ( referring to the dragon: ) No, not quite. It's more like a...Bright...Fury-

Astrid: A Light Fury!

Hiccup: Yeah, yours is better, probably.

Astrid: Why would a little kid be all alone with a dragon, though? She looked at us like she couldn't understand us.

Hiccup: ( with a worried expression: ) Maybe, she didn't...

( Meanwhile, with the little girl and the Light Fury )

The light fury landed at the entrance of the cave, quickly went inside, pushed a big rock at the entrance, and placed the little girl in the nest of blankets before she climbed into the nest and protectively curled herself around the little girl, who was now hugging the dragon's neck.

Light Fury: ( to the little girl, reassuringly: ) Don't worry, sweetie. We're safe now. I'm sure that they weren't able to follow us.

Little girl: ( in dragon, to her Mama: ) Mama, why was that Night fury surprised by me being able to talk?

Light Fury: ( somewhat nervously: ) Well, um, most baby dragons don't learn how to speak until they're teenagers.

Little girl: ( in dragon: ) Oh, I guess that makes sense. He was just surprised that I'm a fast learner?

Light Fury: ( with slight relief in her eyes: ) Exactly, my child. Now, rest, today has been an... frightful day. Tomorrow, we'll have to lay low and get food during the day away from their camp so they won't find us again.

The little girl only nods her head in response and lets out a yawn before she slowly begins falling asleep in between the Light fury's front legs, making the dragon purr happily before laying her head down beside the girl to get some rest as well.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think Toothless and the other dragon's voices sound like.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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