Chapter 7: Edge of Disaster Part 2 of Part 1

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Kaia was hugging Toothless's tail while Hiccup, Snotlout, and Fishlegs were getting their dragons ready for their trip to help Johann. Kaia watched silently as Astrid walks to Hiccup with the twins, the little girl quickly knew by the look on Astrid's face that the Nadder rider was not happy.

Astrid: ( to Hiccup: ) You are not leaving me with these two muttonheads.

Tuffnut: She knows we're standing right here, right?

Hiccup: Look, Johann is surrounded by Dragon Hunters, and his ship is taking on water. We have to get there and help him.

Astrid: Then, let me saddle up Stormfly, I'll be there in-

Hiccup: Astrid, you need to stay here and hold down the Edge. And make sure nothing happens to the Dragon Eye.

Hiccup then hands Astrid the Dragon Eye, and Kaia watched with interest in her eyes as soon as she saw the Dragon Eye.

Astrid: I can't believe what's happening. This actually may be the worst day in history.

Kaia: ( to Toothless, in dragon: ) Why is Astrid so upset?

Toothless: ( to Kaia: ) Because we're leaving her and Stormfly with the two most craziest and unpredictable Vikings known to the universe.

Kaia gave Toothless a confused look in response, as she didn't know what Toothless meant by the twins being crazy and unpredictable.

Hiccup: Astrid, Snotlout and I have the only working dragon armor, and Meatlug is immune to the Dragon Hunters' arrows.

Fishlegs: ( to Meatlug, affectionately: ) You hear that, girl? Who's a special dragon? Meatlug is, that's who.

Astrid: And you are bringing Kaia because....?

Hiccup: Because, if the hunters have captured dragons with them, Kaia can let them know that we're going to help them.

As Hiccup said this, Hookfang carefully picked Kaia up and placed her gently on his back.

Astrid: ( honestly, to Hiccup with her arms crossed: ) You're just bringing her so she doesn't see me get annoyed and most likely angry at the twins and so the twins don't try to teach her anything that could influence her to be like them, aren't you?

Hiccup: . . . maybe. It just makes sense for us to be the ones to go.

Astrid: ( pleadingly: ) Hiccup, please! For all that is sacred in Thor's world, you cannot leave me alone with these two-

Tuffnut: What do you say? Simpletons? Blockheads?

Ruffnut: I was always partial to dimwit myself. It rolls trippingly off the tongue.

Kaia looked at the twins with complete confusion on her face as Tuffnut began speaking more nonsense than she has ever heard from the other riders.

Kaia: ( to Toothless, in dragon: ) I see what you mean now...

Hiccup: ( to Astrid and the twins: ) We'll be back by tomorrow at the latest. Just do the best you can. Okay? And try to get along, please?

Tuffnut: No need to worry about us, young Hiccup.

Kaia watched as Snotlout, Hiccup, and Fishlegs got on their dragons, as she stayed on Hookfang's back. She then tilted her head to the side as Snotlout began saying something that she didn't understand to Astrid, but she saw that whatever he was saying annoyed Astrid.

Hookfang: ( to Kaia, calmly: ) Hey kid, do me a favor and hit Snotlout on the head as hard as you can?

Kaia thought for a moment before she shrugged her shoulders, made her way to Snotlout, and hit him in the back of the head, interrupting him from hitting on Astrid, making the blonde rider smile slightly and making Hookfang laugh.

Snotlout: Ow! ( To Kaia: ) How are you able to hit so hard?

Kaia just let out a chuckle before going back to her spot at the middle of Hookfang's back before the three dragons and their riders fly off and away from the island.

( Meanwhile, with the Light fury )

The Light fury was still muzzled and chained as she was at Ryker and his hunter's camp on a island nearby the Edge. She was laying on the ground with two hunters watching her to make sure she doesn't escape. She was glaring at the two hunters with pure anger as she was trying to think of a way out of the situation so she could go back to her daughter and make sure her child was safe. Then suddenly, Dagur came up and dismissed the two hunters from duty, causing the white dragon's glare to turn on him. Once the two hunters were out of ear range, Dagur kneeled down to the Light fury and looked at her with a smile, and she growled at him in response.

Dagur: Don't worry, slayie. Daddy Dagur isn't going to hurt you or your kid, he's just going to find the kid and use both of you against Hiccup and his little rider friends.

Light fury: ( with a growl as she glared at Dagur with slitted pupils: ) You touch my daughter, you'll be the second viking I killed as another warning to your hunter friends to what happens when you mess with a mama dragon's baby.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

. . . Raise your hand if you hope to see the Light fury beat some Hunter butt, and maybe give a few of them scars by the end of this episode.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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