Nico's a simp

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Idk know how to write titles if you couldn't tell. 

If you're reading this past  3am try to get some sleep. Enjoy the story <3

You know you need help when it's 2am and you're awake thinking about a boy. Especially when you're also a boy but you're also not gay.

Or, at least, I believe I wasn't.

I also believed in common sense. But alas. 

'Hey, is this seat taken?' I had looked up and that's when I saw him. He was tall and covered in freckles. His bright golden hair shined against his sun-kissed skin. I moved my headphones out of one ear.

'Yeah it is.'

He scrunched his eyebrows, 'Oh, by who?'

I grabbed my bag and put it on the seat, 'By him.'

'That's a - bag.' he said pointing at it awkwardly.

'Ok. And?' I raised an eyebrow at him.

He shrugged, 'Nothing, cool bag, I guess.' He then turned round and went to find somewhere else to sit. Phew.. I thought, That was a close one. 

I don't know if you've ever been to a school. But I doubted half the people here knew how to open a door. They were always running around and yelling. Or doing some kind of prank, bothering other kids. Bothering me. I have my headphones in at all times. Even in class, I'm rarely actually listening to music but sometime there's just a certain amount of stupid someone can listen to per day without losing what of their mind they have left.

So if you haven't guessed, talking to people wasn't high on my bucket list. But I couldn't help it, I kept replaying that interaction in my head over and over again over the past period. The more I thought about it the more I got a temptation to find out his name - SCTICTLY for curiosity purposes. 

Oh, that meant talking to him. Time to put my non-existent social skills to work.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw him heading towards an empty table in the corner on his own. I had ran to it and sat down before he could.

'Hey!' he took a step back from me running in front of him, 'You ok?'

'Yeah.' I didn't look at him and immediately put my bag on the seat.

'That was my seat-'

'Does it have your name on it?' I asked.

He looked taken aback, 'No, and you don't even know my name.'

'Oh well, what is it then?' I asked. BOOM! Take that, I can talk to other people.

'Oh, um. It's Will. What's yours?'

Fuck, I forgot  a conversation works two ways. 'Um...'

'What? Forgot your own name?'

'No - why should I even te-' I turned round and shut my mouth immediately. He was standing above me again with his messy hair and hoodie. He looked really cute- NO. He looked just like every other blonde kid in this school. Tall, freckled, handso- NO! no, no, no. 

'Something wrong?'

'Go find someone else to bother sunshine.' I turned back round.

'Sunshine?' he chuckled.

'Don't laugh! Your other name was- stupid.'

He looked hurt, 'You think my name is stupid.'

'I - no - I mean-' 

'It's fine. You want to be left alone. I get it. Sorry.' He spun round and headed out the lunch hall. I felt like throwing my head onto a wall. How did I screw that up? Like, really? 

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