Will's House

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I had kept my head low and staring down at my feet near the bus stop when I heard his voice.

'Nico?' Will jogged up to me, 'I thought you went home!'

I looked up at him and my chest felt a little lighter 'Oh yeah, I-I was. But, I thought I'd stay and hang out with you for a while.' I said. That's what friends do, right? I just couldn't go home and explain the bruises to my dad. I just couldn't.

'Want to come over to my place then?' he offered.

I nodded, 'Yeah.'

We walked side by side down the street as he lead the way and I stared up at his face talking about his athletics. His voice never got old. I noticed he was still a bit sweaty from his club and I felt a sensation in my stomach. I didn't really know how to explain it.

But he looked really hot-Not in a weird way!

Cause I was straight, of course. But I couldn't bare but stare up at him.

Once we made it into his house we headed straight up to his room, 'My mum's not home right now, she works late on Wednesdays.'

He sat down on his bed and I just kind of stood there awkwardly. I had never really been to a friend's house before. What where you supposed to do?

'You can sit if you want.' Will offered nodding towards the chair next to him. I tried to cover up how embarrassed I felt and sat down next to him.

'Are you OK?' he asked.

'Y-yeah.' I said. I started realizing I was sweating a bit. He tilted his head.

'You sure? It's boiling in here, you can take off your sweater.' he pointed out.

Fuck I thought He wasn't supposed to notice. 'Oh, yeah, I'm fine.'

'You sure,' Will scrunched his eyebrows together as he scanned my face. 'You have some dirt on your face-' he reached out to wipe my face with his thumb but I immediately flinched away.

'Don't touch me!' I snapped.

Will looked taken aback, 'You sure everything OK?'

I felt stupid for reacting like that. I stood up and cleared my throat, 'Yeah, I just don't like... Other people touching me...' I said rubbing my arm with one of my bruises.

Will seemed to notice, 'Are you hurt?'


'Nico, don't lie to me-'

'Yeah. I'm fine.'

'Nico, can I just see. You really look in pain-'

'I'm fine,' I repeated.

'Nico-' Will reached out to my sleave to pull it up and I jumped off the chair and away from him.


There was a long silence between us. I stood at the edge of the room breathing hard while Will sat on his bed looking guilty and confused. I felt myself shaking a little.

'.. Nico... I'm sorry...'

'It's fine, this was a dumb idea anyway.' I turned and left the room.

Will ran down after me and blocked the exit.


'Nico, please. I'm sorry. But please let me help you.' he pleaded. I looked up at his face and almost flinched at the amount of pain in his voice.

'Please, I don't want you being hurt.' he said. I stared at him and thought about it. I didn't want to worry him about it but I seemed to have already managed that. I didn't want him to think me getting beaten up was his fault but going to my dads wasn't much of an option.

'I'm fine, I promise. ok?' I said. It didn't sound very convincing but Will already felt like he was at fault so he didn't push it.

'I'm sorry. I won't touch you.' he apologized again. I didn't really know what to say - I knew it was my fault and he hadn't done anything wrong.

'I'll see you at school.' I turned round and left his house before he could reply or even say goodbye. 

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