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Your welcome for the very descriptive title.

Thankyou you to everyone who has voted, commented or even just read. It means a lot <3

Enjoy the story :)

Honestly, I had no idea what was going on. I walked with Will from class to class barely speaking a word. I couldn't even think straight or focus on anyone's voice. I wasn't really lost in thoughts-I wasn't really thinking. I was just lost.

'..And then I think we're going to have try outs for the team next week so I just need to figure out what day that is and then-um. Nico?' Will looked down next to him as we walked down the corridor, 'Nico?' he repeated.

'Hm?' I looked up at him.

'You ok?' he glanced down at me.

'Um, yeah. course.' I lied. We kept walking in silence. I didn't really notice that Will had stopped talking but I couldn't help but glance down the corridor to where Ben was. I wondered how much it must have cost him to buy all that spaghetti just to fill up an entire car and burn it. And how was I supposed to tell Will about my weird interaction with his dad. I couldn't help but second glance every blond guy I see around just in case it's him watching us again. Talk about creepy.

'Uh, Nico?' Will tapped my shoulder. I looked back round and almost felt my felt the universe punching me in the face. 'Is that your dad?'

'Shit.' I ducked down and took a turn to the nearest turn in the corridor and stood behind the wall. Will looked a little confused but seemed to understand. He followed me behind the wall.

'What's wrong?'

'Nothing. Just, um, lets just not be seen by him right about now.'

Will looked back to glance my dad and his jaw dropped, 'What the-' I peaked round as well and saw Mr. Solace shaking hands with my dad.


'Your dad?' I finished.

Will nodded, 'What is he doing here? I haven't seen him in years.'

'Yeah, he kinda blackmailed the principle and has been stalking you for about a month. Just thought you should know.' I blurted out. Probably not the best time but at least Will knew now before whatever the hell was about to happen. Watching my dad's uptight figure following Will's dad's lead into the office made part of me want to just break down in laughter. But another part of me told me it wouldn't be so funny once they got us involved.

'I'm sorry, WHAT?' he turned round and looked at me in disbelief.

'Uh.. yeah. Anyway.. we have maths. Bummer, huh? We should, um, probably go now we don't want to be late-'

'Nico I'm sorry, you can go to math or whatever, I have to see what's going on with my..' he paused for a bit, '..dad'

'Well, that sounds like a horrible idea. How about we just-' But Will had already made up his mind and he was already halfway down the corridor. Oh gods. 'Will! Wait!'

We made it to the office and stood by the door. Thankfully, it was open just enough for us to see inside but not to be noticed. My dad was sitting on the same chair I had and Will's dad was sitting on the principles desk nodding with mocking understanding.

'Mh-mm. Yes, I see. That truly is against our school rules and values.' he nodded again.

'See, I just don't understand why my son has come to school, he's been feeling very un well and I just want to speak to him to make sure he is ok. He was meant to stay home today?' my dad lied.

Will glanced at me, 'What's he talking about'

'Nothing.' I whispered.

Mr. Solace picked up the same piece of paper he had picked up for me and nodded again, 'Yes, could you please give me your son's full name?'

'Nico Di Angelo.' he explained. Will's dad nodded again. I glanced up at Will to try and read his expression. It was mostly consisting of loss, anger and pure confusion. The last one I could relate to.

'You see, I just want to speak to him.' My dad explained trying to keep his cool against the absolute clown of a man he was facing.

'Yes, yes, I'm sure Nico would love to talk to you as well, but I can't allow that.' he said. I held my breath. What was he thinking off now?

My dad raised his eyyebrowwss and the calm in his voice was steadily sliding away, 'What do you mean you can't allow that? I'm his father!'

Will's dad nodded his head again, 'I understand your frustration but I think we have a more important matter in and concerning...our..sons.'

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