First Few Sleepovers...

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Hey guys!
Thankyou so much for reading this far. I'm sorry I stopped posting for a couple of days but I had a bit of a creative block.

Heres the next chapter and more coming soon!

Once again, remember to vote if you like the story and enjoy :)

The next few days we took advantage of the fact that my dad wasn't home and Will slept over at my place. Will would come over every night after stopping by his house after school and his mum seemed to get a lot friendlier with me.

Although, she still gave me the occasional look as if I was a puzzle she was trying to piece together, I didn't mind though, I've had people look at me way worse and at least she wasn't against me.

I lead Will into my bedroom carefully avoiding any other part of the house. There were places that I myself couldn't even bring myself to go to whilst holding back tears.

'Cool room.' he said as we entered.

'You really think so?' I asked.

'Yeah, what are you? Like emo?'

I scolded, 'I'm NOT emo.' I said irritant ly.

Will chuckled, 'OK, sorry. Your not emo.' he came in and took a seat on my bed.

Talking to him in school for hours on end was amazing but getting to listen to his voice even after that ended without the fear of Ben showing up was so much better.

You'd think after hearing someone's voice enough times you would get bored of it. His voice was just like his face, the more you noticed it the prettier it became.

Soon he started opening up about different passions of his on how he wanted to help people just like his mum did in a hospital and was looking forward to studying medicine. How he was really into running and occasionally went to do archery with his mum as an 'old family tradition'.

It sounded fun. Family. Even if it was just him and his mum.

The more he talked the happier I felt but at the same time I had that nagging voice in the back of my head.

He's studying into medicine and taking up sports while your just sitting around waiting for your dad to notice you.

As always, I kept my thoughts to myself as always. I didn't see any point in telling him. Even if he did seem like he might care.

'... So, nico,' he said my name and instantly snapped out of my daze, 'what do you like to do?'

I froze, 'Oh, um, you know. Just like normal stuff.'

'Like what?' he asked again looking at me eagerly.

I thought hard for a minute. What did I like? I liked being alone. Listening to music. Listening to his voice. His face. I like not feeling lonely and worthless and hanging out with him. I liked not feeling helpless against Ben anymore because I knew Will was there.

I like, I like him. I, I like him?

'Oh, I sometimes like going on walks.' I blurted out. Now was not a good time to have a gay crisis.

'You like nature?' he said enthusiastically.

'Yeah. Sometimes I go out at night. Its always so peaceful then.'

'Night? I usually go out early in the mornings.' he explained.

'You go out in the morning?' I looked at him confused.

'Yeah, I wake up around six o'clock -'

'am!?' I said sitting up.

'Yeah,' he shrugged, 'It's quite peaceful then as well.'

'I mean, yeah, cause the only people out are over sixty!'

Will laughed, 'Not a morning person, huh?'

'Your so weird.' I rolled my eyes. I guess no one could be perfect. His only red flag being waking up early didn't seem nearly that bad though. Not like I was planning to date him.

'So, am I still welcome to sleep over?' he said smirking at my confused face.

'Yeah. I'll go get you the air mattress.' that I had stolen by the way. I was quite proud of it actually. My dad never imagined or even allowed me to have friends over but Ben's parents have so many people the own like ten air mattresses. Well, now it's only nine.

And besides, I actually slept well with Will in the room. Not as in I liked him. But it's just nice to have someone with you so your not lonely.

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