The infamous ✨TIME JUMP✨

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Y'all be proud of me. Two updates in a row I should get a medal. It must be that queer energy of the 1st of June manifesting. 

Who knows.

Finally! Senior year was over and our exams had finished. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to get out of this priso-I mean school. This beautiful amazing evolutionary educational building that definitely wouldn't make any difference if there were bars on the windows or not. 

Exam season is done. School is done. What's left? PROM. And I don't have a date. I probably won't even be able to go to be honest. My dad isn't much of a "party" guy.

Despite that I still snuck out every Friday to go to Will's house just so we can, you know, 'hang out'. I wasn't quite sure what we were yet, I mean, we had kissed. TWICE. And he had confessed his feelings to me and so had I, sort of? So now we just kind of co-exist. It was complicated and with all our exams we didn't have much time to do much 'relationship development' or whatever.

Will had been hoping to get good marks to get into some fancy college cause he wanted to be like his mother and work in medicine. His mum had recovered from her hand injury and was back at work. His dad was still nowhere to be seen. That man honestly seemed as sane as he was rational. So not much.

It was one of those Fridays and Will had  taken me up to his favourite spot to watch the sun set. The sky had a warm golden glow reflecting beautifully on the clouds lower down.

'You really come up here all the time on your own?' I laugh.

'Sometimes.' he admitted.

I looked at him hiding my grin, 'You're like an old lady.'

'An old lady?' he asked confused.

'Yeah, you go to see the sun set every other day.'

'And you don't?'

'I don't leave my room until the sun has already set.'

'Okay, batman.' Will laughed.

'Batman?' I looked up at him feeling a little offended.

'Yeah, just a bit' he pinched his fingers close to each other, 'shorter.'

I put my hand over my chest dramatically, 'How dare you?'

'You are.' 

'Whatever, sunshine.' I role my eyes and look across the horizon at the sun setting. It was pretty I guess. The last time I had taken time to appreciate the sun shine was with my sister and mo-I took a deep sigh. Now is not a good time to be all sad because the only thing you can ever do is mess up.

'Nico?' Will tapped me on the shoulder.

'Huh? Uh, yeah?'

'You ok?' his eyebrows furrowed together how they did when he was worried or anxious. Gods, he was so cute. 

'Y-yeah.' I felt myself blush and tried to hide it. He chuckled and I felt my stomach do a cartwheel.

'You know, there's a reason I brought you up here.'

'Oh, what's the reason?' I asked looking back up at him supressing my face reddening as much as I could (which wasn't much)

'I was wondering,' he took a deep breath, 'I was wandering if you would be my prom date.'

I froze my heart fluttering in my chest, 'Y-yes! Of course!' His lips grew into a wide smile and I didn't quite think what I did next. I leaned in and got on my tip-toes pulling him by the shirt towards me and I pushed against his lips. 

He was shocked at first but eased into the kiss and wrapped his arms around me pulling me in and kissing me back as the sun set behind us. It felt like the best moments of my life and gods I almost cursed when he slowly pulled away holding me gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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