Spaghetti Drama

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The next few days where honestly the best time I'd had in a while. I woke up each morning actually exited for school. I showed up early and went to our table and waited for Will to come in and then I would just listen to him talk about all his interests for hours during class and lunch and break. 

I'd watch his dimples every time he talked and the way he waved his hands around when he was really into what he was talking about. How his hair perfectly bounced on his head as he tilted his head and how his eyes gleamed and sparkled whenever they were caught by the light.

After a week of this we were sitting at lunch and he was in another one of his rants when Ben had to show up and ruin it.

'Hey! What's up geek!' Ben threw a handful of sloppy spaghetti from the cafeteria at me.

'Really?' I muttered wiping it off. Will looked round shocked.

'Oh, look! The nerd talks!' one of Ben's friends laughed.

Will looked down at me and mouthed, 'Are you ok?'

'Yeah, I'm fine.'

'Oh, you're such a baby Di Angelo.' Ben said in a mocking baby voice.

'Hey! Leave him alone!' Will spun round to Ben clenching his fists. I felt myself getting anxious. I really didn't want Will getting hurt because of me. And I knew Ben wouldn't hold back.

'Or what?' Ben laughed at him.

Will stood up and I stood up immediately to try and stop him. 'You have  you're entire life to be a jerk, why not take a day off and leave us alone?'

'Will, don't, it's really not a good idea-' I whispered to him trying to get him to sit down again.

'Listen to your friend buddy.' Ben took a couple steps away back. He seemed intimidated by Will. I mean, you couldn't blame him. He was one of the tallest kids in school and pretty athletic. Well, more athletic than me but that's not really a high bar. So far the only thing that's got my heart beating fast is getting 3hrs of revision done the night before it's due.

Will just watched as Ben walked off with his friends and left us alone. He spun round and smiled warmly again. Oh, gods those dimples - 

'You ok now?' he asked. 

'Will... you didn't have to-'

'Hey, we're friends now. Aren't we?' I stared up at him and felt my face redden once again. 

'Y-yeah. Friends.' I agreed. I felt a warm feeling build inside off me. I had a friend. And that friend was Will.

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