Just Trauma dumping at this point

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Sorry guys for the long wait.

I would usually make up some crazy story about how my family got eaten by a crocodile and some malicious crow burned my house down but I do not tell lies.

So I just kinda got a sleep schedule. But not to worry, that didn't last long and thus I am back!

I also have a very special treat for you guys this chapter. ;) Enjoy!

WARNING: Unhinged, fluff, ✨trauma

I rushed back into the office where Will was still staring at his dad who looked like his mask that he was putting on of his bubbly personality was slipping off.

'...but then I still understand.' Will finished as I walked in.

'William, it's complicated. I loved your mother, truly. She was the most beautiful, caring, purest soul I had ever met. I loved you too! But, its complicated.' he repeated. I stepped in awkwardly not wanting to disturb anything. Staying in the shadows was one thing I was good at.

'Ah, Nico!' Mr. Solace turned to me switching back on his persona, 'Hope you liked my little gift. Thanks for carrying your side of the deal. I'll be seeing you round!'

'Deal?' Will asked but his dad had already bolted straight out of the office. I looked up at Will and his dazzling blue eyes seemed to have something snap in them. Part of their sparkle had faded and their blue seemed dull. I felt like finding Mr. Solace and punching him in the face. How could he just leave his son like that? At least my dad had bothered sticking round.

'..Will?' I asked walking up to him, he had comforted me when I was falling apart, I felt only right to do the same. I pulled him into a hug. He was warm and his smell made me relax. But I could feel how tense he still was and I hoped I could help sooth him. It was the first time I had hugged someone since I was a kid.#

After a few moments, Will hugged me back and held me tightly. I wandered if this was normal for friends. Two friends can hug, other kids do it all the time.

'Thanks Nico.' Will whispered under his breath.

I felt a surge of warmth at him saying my name so gently like that, 'Hey, that's what friends are for.' I said pulling apart from him. His eyes seemed a little more hopeful now but they still looked broken.

'Hey look! It's just like a gay porno!' Ben's voice sounded behind me. I wandered where this guy got the guts to come confront me again.

Something within me snapped, 'Why are you watching gay porn, huh?'

'I-uh-when did I say that?' he stuttered. His friends behind him glanced at him raising a few eyebrows. 'Watch your words punk!'

'Yeah ok, whatever,' I rolled my eyes. For some reason I thought being with Will was going to stop Ben from doing anything. I was right.

He looked from me to Will who was looking down at his feet lost in his thoughts. He weighed out his chances and decided to turn back round, 'You two have fun on your date! See how your dad takes it!' he spun round on his heels and left the office.

I watched him leave and felt a little smug grin growing on my face. After all these years I managed to chase away Ben. It wasn't much but it was something in this complete trainwreck of a day. I felt someone's warm hand grasp around mine.

I glanced back, 'Will?'

'We should umm, probably get to class.' he coughed and pulled his hand away from me and left without saying a word. I felt like running after him but reckoned that that wouldn't be the best idea. Maybe he just needed space.


That day dragged on longer than it needed to. When it was time to go home I ran to catch Will before he got off the school grounds. Second set of running in one day; I can't believe I'm running for some boy. I had been thinking long and hard threw out what happened in the office. How Will's dad pretty much save me a whole beating just so I could get to his son for him. Will looked heart broken. And my dad, well, he's who he is. And that's never going to change.

It's time. I thought to myself. I remembered what had told me don't hide things from people you love or trust.

I made my mind up. Right there. Right then. I was going to tell him. How worse could this day go anyway?

'Hey, Will,' I ran up to him. His eyes were still darker than usual and he seemed deep in thought despite laughing and smiling with the other kids around him. I walked up to him trying to hide how out of shape I was and gasping in front of the other athletes.

'Nico?' Will spotted me and stepped in he pulled me away from the crowd, 'What's wrong?'

'Will, I need to tell you something.' I gasped for breath as he furrowed his eyebrows in concern. Gods, he looked adorable making that face. Focus.

'Remember that night when you had said you like me? And I never really answered and then a bunch of things happened and I really thought about it and I, I... I-' I took a deep breath avoiding his stare, 'I think I like you too.'

The silence that followed felt like hours despite it probably was only a few moments. I felt his hand lift my chin to look up at him and I looked into his sky blue eyes and felt them staring back at mine. Then I noticed them moving down from my eyes to my lips. fuck.

'Will..?' I muttered. I wasn't too sure if I had ever even spoken that out loud, he didn't seem to hear it. I thought how there were probably people watching. Ben was probably amongst those people. Gods, why not push it, my dad was probably amongst those people. I had never actually seen him leave. I brushed those thoughts away. Why should I care about a few people anyway?

I looked into Will's eyes trying to understand what he was thinking. I didn't really know how that was supposed to help in any way. Their sparkle had appeared again, if still fainter, but it was there. He leaned down and my thoughts rushed in so fast I couldn't process what was happening. My cheeks flushed red and I felt his warm lips against mine. I leaned into the kiss and kissed him back.

It felt even better than the first time, all my worries washed away, my bruises and cuts eased their pain. It was just me and him. I tried to imagine if we could just stay like this forever. It was perfect.


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