The Hoodie

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There will be some sensitive scenes in this chapter but I have put the trigger warnings before them.

The end of that week came so fast I could barely tell if it was even real.

Saying goodbye in school went back to being one of my most dreaded moments after I had met Will.

'Hey, Will,' I began.

He looked up at me with those pretty blue eyes of his. I got the strange feeling there was something important I was forgetting...

'I can't have any one over today. Sorry.' I said awkwardly.

'Oh, yeah. That's fine,' he didn't sound fine, 'I'll see you tomorrow then'

'Yeah. I guess.' I turned round and began heading to my bus. Did he...did he sound...disappointed? Maybe my mind was playing up. I really wished I could atleast come to his house. I really wished he could come to my house even. But I guessed having my dad walk in on us wouldn't be as nice as Will's mum...

TW: Abuse, Violence, Emotional

'Nico Di Angelo!' I heard my dad's voice yell as I walked in. I clenched my fists and considered just running back out the door again.

'Shut the door and come inside NOW!' he demanded.

I took a deep breath to level my head and remembered how my mum would sooth him when he would loose his temper like that. I hadn't even done anything this time.

I shut the door behind me and headed in, 'Yes, dad?' I asked.

'Don't give me that attitude. Your in SO much trouble.' he warned.

'Over what?' I asked again in a monotone tone.

My heart almost skipped a beat when he pulled out the hoodie that Will had given me that night I had stayed at his house. I had kept it and worn it when he wasn't around. He must've noticed my face.

'So you recognise it? Would you like to explain?'

'I-It's mine.' I lied.

'You took yourself on a shopping spree while I was away, did you?' he asked sarcastically.

I stood there in fear trying to find some sort of explanation that wouldn't give away what I had been doing.

'It's two sizes too big for you. If you hadn't noticed that is.' he said his voice begining to tremble, 'And the air mattress. Want to explain that?'

Fuck. That's what I had forgotten. How had I messed up this bad?

'Well?' he asked again.

'I, I can explain-' I began.

'Can you!?' he asked. I bit my lip. I couldn't.

He scoffed and turned round to the fire place.

'Wait, what -' I began.

'Well, we already established this hoodie wasn't yours. So I guess you wouldn't mind if I got rid of it for you.' I stared in horror as he threw it into the burning flames.

'DAD!' I shouted, 'WHAT THE HELL?'

'Who do you think your talkin to, boy?' he yelled at me, 'You think I'm stupid? I know you had someone over and I'm not letting it happen again.'

'Why!?' I yelled, 'Why do you even care!? You weren't even here!'

'Last thing I need is for you to get influenced by other people.' my dad stated coldly.

'You know nothing about the people I hang out with-!'

'I know enough about you!'

'You know nothing about me! Ever since mum-'

I winced as his hand swung against my cheek and I stumbled back and immediately stopped talking.

'Don't you dare bring your mother or your sister into this.' he said his voice shaking even more, 'And remind yourself who your talking to. I do not accept this kind of behaviour from you!'

I glared up at him for a few moments as I felt my cheek burning but there was no way I was going to let myself cry in front of him.

'Your grounded for the rest of the summer. Go to your room. If i find any more of your "friends" I'll send you away, understood?'

I nodded reluctantly.

'Answer when I'm talking to you. Is it understood?'

'Yes. It's understood.' I muttered through gritted teeth. He nodded and looked satisfied.

I took one last look at the burning remains of Will's hoodie in the fire place and then ran up to my room.

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