The Plot Thickens ...

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Chapter was getting too long so I just split it in two so yeah.

We love cliff hangers!

Luckily I didn't keep u guys waiting for too long.


I stared at our two parents as Will's dad smiled widely like everything was going smoothly and I could feel my dad's anger slowly start to rise up and bubble. I knew I would get a beating if I went home. But now wasn't the time to wine about that.

'Our sons?' my dad asked if he had head it correctly.

'Yes, you see, I saw how you were responsible for the burning of one of his hoodies, am I correct?'

I froze, 'How the hell does he know about that-' I whispered under my breath but Will apparently still heard.

'Nico, what are you talking about?'

My dad cleared his throught, 'Oh you know how kids like to exaggerate. I don't know what Nico's been telling you, but from what I do understand you must be the father of the child that was at my house whilst I was away. I'm sure you would be quite interested on the fact that your son in fact had no permission to be in my house so-'

' I also saw how your car was unfortunately damaged this morning.' Mr. Solace interrupted. My dad stopped for a second trying to understand what he was hearing.

Every time I glanced back at Will he became more and more confused.

'Oh, and one more thing, Nico, William, come out please.' Mr. Solace added.

'How'd he know about that as well?' I whispered.

'I think he's talking about coming out from behind the door.' Will pointed out.

'That is what I was talking about.'

'Oh,' he blushed.

'Nico!?' my dad's hoarse voice ordered my name. I hesitated but decided it was too late to just run and leg it.

'Uh, hi.' I said awkwardly entering the room. My dad looked fuming and I bet if Mr. Solace wasn't standing there with his jolly aura then he wouldn't have held back beating a lesson into me.

'Um, William?' Will's dad asked, out of all the words he said his son's name seemed to cause him struggle to say out loud. I glanced behind me to see Will slowly walk into the room looking from my dad to his with his mouth slightly open as if he wanted to say something but couldn't quite word it.

'What is the meaning of this!?' my dad demanded.

'Oh, no need to get all wound up, I'm only here to help!' Will's dad announced stepping in between us, 'Nico, William, please go back to class, I will come speak to you in a bit Nico. You may go.' I thought for a moment. Leaving this room now didn't sound like such a bad idea and my dad's death stare was definitely encouraging. I turned round to leave and walked to the door. I glanced behind me realizing Will still hadn't moved. 

He had been staring at his dad this entire time and he continued as he completely ignored his son.

'That's it?' Will asked.

Mr. Solace froze at the sound of his son's voice addressing him, 'Um, William, why don't you follow Nico to class-'

'No.' Will interrupted, 'You can't just randomly show up out of no where and just act like everything's ok again.'


'What are you even doing now? You decide to come back to town and your first idea is to come and pretend to be the principle at school!? Not check on me or your my mother? She always said you were childish but this is just embarrassing!'

'Pretend?' my dad picked up, 'Is he saying you're not  the principle?'

'Nico, do me a favour and catch.' Mr. Solace chucked me a pair of car keys that I surprisingly caught. Under any other circumstance I would celebrate this rare example of any sporting ability I have but I guess now wasn't the right time.

Both Will and my dad looked round at me as I stared down at the keys in my hand trying to figure out what was going on. I glanced up and gaped.

'Where did he go?' I asked. Will turned round and looked angry, disappointed and hurt. I just wanted to give him a hug and tell him its ok or anything to make him feel better. 

'We are going home. Nico, NOW.' my dad ordered.

'Wait-' I tried to argue back but my dad had grabbed my arm and started dragging me out of the room. I flinched as I imagined how bad I was going to get beaten for ruining his car. Wait-Mr. Solace had given me car keys. He had said something about sorting things out. Could he have...?

'Dad, wait..' I said. We were already almost out of the school and Will was probably still inside trying to comprehend what was going on. 

'Oh, just wait till we get home your-'

'We could drive!' I spluttered out.

'-going to regret it. What?' he paused looking down at me. 

I waved the car keys, 'I saw what happened to your car this morning, I'm uh, really sorry. I got you a new one!' I tried to explain.

'You- how?'

'Who cares!' I whispered to myself. I clicked the unlock button. My dad's eyes widened.


'Merry Christmas!' I shoved the car keyed into my dad's hands and turned round and ran off before my dad could say anything. I instantly got a stitch but I didn't really care. I just needed to talk to Will and figure out what the hell was going on.

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