Their friendship gets closer

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You're one of two people. You either loved the last chapter or want to slit my throat. 

Either way, you clicked onto the next page so this is on you.

Hope you like the next chapter. Warning: Fluff 

I lay on his bed with his arms around me and I gently rested my head against his chest. 

'Nico? You alright?' he asked. I tried blinking my eyes open but if I was being honest I was exhausted and all my body hurt and I did not feel like moving at all. 

'I'm not making this weird - am I?'

'No, no. Your fine.' Will said softly. I shut my eyes and hugged him back. 'I thought you weren't really a touchy person.' 

I looked up at him, 'Yeah..' 

Will hesitated for a moment, 'Can I see your bruises again?' I stiffened up-Of course he couldn't just forget about them.

I felt hesitant but if I couldn't trust Will - well, he was the only person in my life so far who hadn't backstabbed me - so I guess then that would mean I wouldn't be able to trust anyone.

'I-um-' I started, '-yeah...'  I sat up and began taking my sweater off. Then my shirt.

Will's face looked a little distressed, 'Oh my gods, Nico. That must've hurt. Why didn't you say anything?' He gently brushed his fingers against my skin and I flinched.

He pulled away, 'Let me get you something for that.' He got up and came back with a first aid bag, 'Here, my mum taught me some things about bruises and cuts.' 

I let him patch up my cuts and treat bruises. His hands were warm and he was careful and gentle. Every time his hand made contact with my skin I felt a tingling sensation that I tried with all my might to no show.

'There, all better.' he said sitting back and handing me back my shirt. I put it on hastily. I had to admit, I felt much better but I did still hurt.

'Thanks.' I mumbled. He grabbed my hand and I blushed. 'Will-?'

'Nico, I need to tell you something.' Will said sitting kind of uncomfortably which I found weird for him.

'Um, are you dying?' I asked.

'Nico, I-I really-' he took a deep breath, 'I don't want to ruin anything between us- but I really like you...'

I stared up at him slightly shocked. He was looking down at his feet but he seemed to make himself look at me waiting for a response. I really didn't know what to say, I mean I was straight. I knew that. But Will seemed different... No! Dad would kill me. Maybe I could just be normal and there won't be any other more problems. I won't be any bigger of a disappointment. But Will...

Only one way to find out. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me till our faces where so close our noses where practically touching. He started breathing heavily and so did I.

'Nico...?' he whispered. I stared down at his lips. It felt right-and what's the worst that could happen? I felt his lips against mine and I kissed him. It took Will a moment to get over the shock but once he did, he wrapped an arm around my back and another on the back of my head and pulled  me into him.

He pushed open my lips and his tongue started exploring my mouth. I squirmed back a little but he held me in place. After what felt like the best few moments of my life we pulled apart and we both sat on his bed panting. 

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