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TW: Assault

I went to school and went back to being invisible all over again which wasn't too hard. I shied away from Will for as much as I could. I knew I was only delaying the confrontation but I wasn't in any mood in jumping in head first. What was I supposed to say?

At lunch I strictly stayed out of the lunch hall and went out to a corner of the field away from everyone else. I was wearing another sweater again covering up my bruises. Last thing I needed is someone else trying to talk to me- 

'Nico?' I turned round so fast it hurt my neck. 

'Woah, didn't mean to startle you. Never seen you out in the sun. Freaks usually stay indoors.' Ben laughed.

'What do you want Ben?' I asked, 'Didn't you let off enough steam yesterday?'

He laughed again, 'Not really...' he grabbed my sweater.


'Why not take it off? What are you trying to hide so bad?' he said in a mocking voice. I tried to shove him off me but he was older and stronger than me. His friends grabbed my arms and pinned me down against the fence. I glimpsed a head of blonde curls running up to us. 

I prayed it was Will and tried to keep Ben off of me. He ripped off my sweater just before someone grabbed him and pulled him off me. He stumbled back and fell onto the grass. His friends stepped away from me and I leaned against the fence panting.

'I told you to leave him alone!' Will yelled at Ben and his friends. They scrambled up and he gave me one last scowling look and then ran off with his friends.

Will turned to me with a worried expression, 'What where they-' he noticed my sweater on the floor and my arms covered in bruises. I scrambled and tried to cover myself up.

'Nico..?' he looked stepped forward and picked up my sweater and passed it to me eyeing my arms, 'Is that what happened yesterday.'

I stared at him. I thought he was going to laugh or yell at me or get angry or anything. But he just looked sad. 'Y-yeah.' was all that I could manage. He nodded quietly as I put my sweater back on. 

'Come on,' he turned round and started heading back into the school. I followed him no really knowing what to do. We made it inside in silence and Will bought some lunch.

'Have you told anyone?' he asked.

I shook my head. He walked to our table and placed the food in front of me, 'You're not going to eat that?' I asked.

'Oh, no. It's for you.' he smiled. I saw his dimples again and almost forgot that he had just seen my bruises. 

'I'm not hungry.' I said, 'Sorry, you can have it-'

'Really Nico?' I was taken aback, he sounded angry, 'All I have been trying to do is help you and as soon as I think I'm doing anything helpful you push me away or block me off! Why are you so against me just helping you!?'


'No. Do you even want me to be here?' he asked.

'Will, I-I do..' my voice cracked and I felt my eyes tearing up. 

Will's face relaxed, 'Nico-I...I have something I need to tell you-'

I leaned into him and felt my tears rolling down my face. He hugged me back and I hid my tears in his chest. He held me tight.

'Nico, I'm sorry-' the bell rang and Will changed asked me, 'You're in no shape to go back to school.'

I nodded into his shoulder and pulled away from him wiping my face with my sleave. He helped me up and shouldered my bag for me and lead me out of the school. I followed him without questioning anything. We made it to his house again. 

'You're mum's ok with you skipping school and bringing friends into your house?' I asked

'I mean, she shouldn't mind.' He sat down on his bed and left room for me to sit next to him as well.

I hugged him again and sunk into his shirt which was still a little damp from my tears.

'You feeling better?' he asked rubbing my back.

'You're a good friend, Will.'

I felt Will's heart beating a little faster, 'Uh, yeah. Friend. You're a good friend too you know that?'

'Really?' I looked up at him.

'Yeah.' he laughed, 'I've never met anyone who can sit and listen to my ramble on for hours without any complaint.'

I laughed along with him, 'You really do ramble, sunshine.'

'Glad your better,' he smirked.

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