Principle man on crack

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Hi! I know it's been a while but I have returned!

I hope you guys are enjoying my very messed up humour. 

Thankyou to everyone who has voted/commented

Enjoy the story, this is officially the halfway point! :)

Warning: this chapter is really unhinged...

I walked into the class just before the bell rang and slid into my seat next to Will, 'Morning sunshine.' 

He smirked. 'Kept your promise, huh?'

'Of course.' I said, then I remembered last night, 'So, did your mum get back to you?'

Will's face darkened so fast it almost made me flinch, 'Yeah, she came home.'

'Oh, that's good.' I honestly tarted feeling horrible. Will really didn't deserve anything bad to happen to his mum. And Mrs. Solace was probably the only adult who didn't look down at Nico like he was a stain. 'Is she ok?'

Will nodded solemnly, 'I think so, but she'll be off work for a while.' Nico's heart sank. He didn't really think he could bring himself to ask what had happened.

Will seemed to relax and untensed his body and looked back at me, 'She, she has a broken wrist.'

'Oh,' I suddenly felt slightly relieved it wasn't something really serious.

'You know, when it gets late, people are tired. They're hurt or someone else they care about is hurt. So sometimes, they-' Will took a deep breath, '-they take it out on the nurses.'

'Someone attacked your mum?' I gasped.

'Yeah. She won't tell me who the idiot is. And she's not even pressing charges! I don't even know why. At least she'll be home a little more I guess.' he sighed.

I had considered to tell him what happened that morning but he already seemed to be dealing with loads so I just kept it to myself.

'Oh.' I said. Social skills 101: say 'oh' with an understanding tone when you have no idea what your supposed to do.

'Umm, Nico,' Will said looking a little concerned, 'Why do you smell like gasoline?' 

I was about to open my mouth to say something when a tall, smiling man with bright blond hair scarily similar to Will's walked into the classroom and the class.

'Uh, principle, how can I help?' The teacher stood up and addressed him. He turned round and, let me tell you, his smile was deceiving but his eyes weren't as he stared them into my soul and I remembered why I purposely avoided eye contact like my life depended on it.

'I would like to borrow Di Angelo.' he said. I swallowed. Yay, more people. 

I followed him out of the room and to his office.

'Take a seat.' he offered. I did as I was told and held my breath bracing myself for the worst. He went round to his desk. He sighed and shook his head, 'Do you know why I have brought you here today?'

I gulped, 'No, sir.' 

'Well...' he looked down at his desk, 'You have officially been invited to join the LGBTQ+ club.'

I physically felt my brain slowing down to process what I had just heard. 'W-What? But, I'm' 

'Well it's not just gay, it stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, traumatized, queer and the plus is everyone in between.' he said as if reciting of a script with no enthusiasm.

'I'm pretty sure the 'T' stands for trans not trauma-'

'Yeah, yeah.' he waved me away, 'See! You know so much already! So, what do you say?'

'Who- who is running this, um... club?' I asked.

'Uh...' he looked picked up a piece of paper from his desk and smoothed it out slightly squinting and moving it closer and further from his face trying to read the name, 'William Solace.'

I felt my face flush red, 'WHO?'

'Well, that's who nominated you anyway.' he shrugged off throwing the paper behind him. 'So, um, congrats I guess. You can go to class now or whatever you kids do in this school.'

'But I don't understand why he- wait, what do you mean?'

'Hm?' he looked up at me.

'You're the principle, right?' 

'Oh, who? Me? No, no, no. I wouldn't be.' he smiled and continued looking down at his nails.

'Well, then, um, who are you? And where's the actual principle?'  

'Oh! Of course, pardon my manners,' he said and he stood up theatrically and offered me his hand. I took it reluctantly.

'I'm Mr. Solace.' he began shaking my hand vigorously

'Oh, um, I'm Nico Di Angelo..' I said.

'I know.'

'Not creepy at all-' I mumbled then spoke up louder after pulling my hand away from him, 'Wait, Mr. Solace? As in Will's dad?'

'The one and only,' 

'Didn't, you like, leave them? Him and his mum, I mean. Not to be rude or anything but...' 

He stared up at a non-existent spot in the air above me, 'See, I came back in town to revisit my family, my boy. And I just couldn't bring myself to face him, so I watched from afar...'

'So... you stalked him?' 

'What? No! I bribed the principle. I offered to not share all his dirty little secrets and he would disappear for a month. Honestly, that Octavian guy really didn't want to just listen to reason, I mean, why would you say no to that?'

'That's blackmail not bribery but ok-' I pointed out.

'Anyway, I saw you two hugging as you cried into his shoulder and I just thought it was so cute!' he said. 

I nodded slowly whilst pinching myself behind my back. There was a middle aged man that looked like a male model talking to me about stalking me and his son's relationship like he was some 15 year old fan girl.

'You look scared?' he said snapping back to reality.

'No, just, concerned. A little. Um, does Will know about this?' I asked.

'Of course not!' he went back to being his smiley self, 'That's why I thought I could ask a small favour, you could tell him! And, in return I'll get your dad a new car and clean up the whole spaghetti car incident. Honestly, that was a sight to see!'

'Woah, wait, hold on. Me?' I pointed to myself making sure that this man understood English.

'Yes! I'll consider it done! Thankyou so much. I'll be on my way,'

I was about to open my mouth to ask him what the hell he was talking about there was a knock on the door and I spun around. The door slid open and I saw Will open which only reminded me how scarily similar he looked to his dad. Apart form his eyes, they were like his mom's.

'Nico? Where's the principle?' he asked slowly stepping in.

'He's here. Well, no, he's not. This is-' I turned round and felt my heart skip a beat. The desk behind me was empty, 'Where did he go?'

'Where did who go?' Will asked.

I blinked a few times. I genuinely considered if all of that was just a very strange fever dream. But I considered that even if it was, now wasn't the time to try and explain whilst Will looked down at me like a mad man. So I shook my head, 'No one. Um, we should get to class.'

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