Spaghetti Man Gets Fiesty

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Hey! It's me again, hope you enjoyed the creativity of my titles.

This next part will have some physical violence and may touch some sensitive topics along with name-calling. But if this isn't your first solangelo fanfic I'm sure you'll be fine.

Enjoy <3

I walked home that evening on my own. It was a Wednesday so Will didn't walk me to my bus stop with me since he finished later. He did an athletics club.

The breeze was refreshing and I'd almost forgotten about the incident with Ben. But I couldn't help and remember how Will had put himself out there for me. 

'Hey! Dumbass!' I spun round to see no on else but Ben followed by one of his other friends following him down the street. They were only a few metres away from me. 

I immediately spun round but bumped into two other of his friends. I was surrounded. Great.

'Hey,' Ben grabbed the collar of my shirt, 'You know how stupid I looked back there today with your stupid friend.'

'Ok? You always look stupid, Ben. What does that have to do with me?' I asked. He raised his eyebrows. I just realized this was the first time I had actually spoken to him directly.

He threw me onto the ground and I fell and grazed my elbow on the concrete, 'You really think you're all tough because you made friends with the new kid, huh?'

His friend walked up and pulled me up to face him.

'Well, you're nothing. Got that?' he spat in my face and I flinched away from him.

He punched me in the stomach and I doubled over. I wanted to yell, scream, get help. But I knew if I tried anything I would get hurt worse. They kicked me onto the ground and beat me sore.

Then Ben knelt down, 'Just remember, freak. You're pathetic, you couldn't even help yourself. Let alone your sister. She's gone now, and you're a nobody.' he laughed. I clenched my fists. Who the fuck did he think he was telling me about my sister? What did he know about what happened last night?

He laughed and stood up, 'Oh, and, one more thing. Keep your little friend out of this or we'll have problems. ok?'

I lied there waiting for him and his friends to walk off snarking and laughing at me. I pulled myself up and pulled out my phone. I knew I had completely missed my bus by now and I didn't have any other way to get home. 

And I didn't want to go home. I- I hated to admit this - I wanted to see Will. 

I headed back into the school and went to the toilets. I washed my grazes and pulled my sleeves down to cover the bruises. I put on my jumper even though it was boiling. Hopefully he wouldn't notice. Then I headed to Will's bus stop and waited for him to finish his club.

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