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This story is getting unhinged but I promise it is ending soon. Hopefully.

Will and I pulled away from the kiss. I looked up to see the actual principle standing at the entrance of the parking. My dad was no where to be seen which was good news. 

'Shit.' Will muttered. 

'I say we ditch everyone and run-'

'Nico, you just died running down the courtyard-that's a horrible idea.'

'Well, you can carry me. That's a better idea to you?'

'I'm not carrying you-'

'Boys? In my office. I'll be waiting!' The principle turned his back on us and half marched, half strutted away. His hair (what was left of it as he had a giant bald spot) was standing on edge. His clothes were wrinkled and his eyes had a wide expression like a wild animal. I almost fell bad for the guy if he didn't prove day after day to be a complete ass.

'See now we don't even have to run to get out. So I mean-'

'Nico, come on.' Will grabbed my hand and lead me solemnly to the principle's office with the group of students that had formed around us watching intently. 

It's currently 1:35am on a school night, yay. 

Also, cool transition

We headed for the principle's office for the third time today, this time, for the actual principle, who by no means seemed happy to see us. I awkwardly walked in behind Will. The principle was sitting on his chair eyeing us as if we were escaped convicts.

'You have one chance to explain yourselves.' he spat. We both stood there silently glancing at each other not quite sure where to start. 'Go on. I  don't have all day.'

'Sir- are you ok?' I asked. His eyes widened even more if that was possible.

'Don't think you can butter me up to ease your punishment, boy!' he yelled at us. 

'Sir-' Will started trying to explain.

'No! That's enough! I don't care about you two boys doing whatever you want in your own privacy, but I DO  NOT want that kind of behaviour being publicly shown off in MY school!' I genuinely wondered if Will's Dad's "bribery" was just sending him to some psychiatric hospital. And if it was, it definitely did not help. 

'Is that understood!?' he asked again.



'Good, now leave my office and go home for god's sake!'

We didn't need to be told twice. We got out of there as soon as possible. 

I walked along with Will all the way to his house wanting to get as much time with him as possible. We both kind of ignored us kissing for the entire journey along with the fact that the whole school probably knew.

'I'll, uh, see you tomorrow, right?' Will asked as we finally got to his place.

I felt a dreading feeling in my stomach. Ben and his friends will have a field day once they find out what happened between me and him. But Will would be there, so how bad could it really be?

'Yeah, I'll see you' I agreed and waved him goodbye.

I know this was a short-ish chapter and I haven't updated in ages but like I got something out. 

Also, happy pride month if your reading this in June. That's when it was written so yeah.

A few more chapters to go!

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