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Enjoy :)

The next morning I woke up early in the morning to try and make it out the house without my dad seeing me. Of course that never works.

'Nico, come here.' his voice sounded a little more levelled than last night but it still made my skin crawl.

'Uh, yes?' I walked in and shuddered at the sight of the remains of the fireplace.

'Where are you going?' he asked.

I tried to figure out if that was a trick question, 'Um, school?'

He nodded to himself and stood up from his chair, 'You met this friend at school didn't you?' 


'Well, your staying home.' my dad ordered.


'Do I need to remind you who your talking to?' he raised his voice and I flinched back remembering last night and all the nights before.

'No..' I said quietly.

'Ok, go to your room.' 

I clenched my fists again and headed back upstairs and grabbed my phone. No, this couldn't happen. Why today? Of all days? The first time I had ever made a promise to someone and I've already failed. I opened it and wasn't unlocking. Then a thought struck me.

'You locked my phone?' I asked frustrated out loud to my dad.

'Yes, and?' he shrugged.

'What am I? 12?' 

'Well, your acting like it.'

'I'm 16!'

'And I'm your dad and I think you need to sort out what your focussing on in your life. Go upstairs to your room and behave.' he walked up to me and raised his hand. I shut my eyes waiting but the hit but it never came. 

I dared myself to look up and saw him standing above me slowly putting his shaking hand down.

'Just, stay in your room.' my dad managed to make out before turning away and slamming the door away from me.

Well, at least that was one less bruise I had to worry about. I shook my head and walked straight to my room and opened my window. I was not about to disappoint Will. He was probably the only person who cares about my miserable life.

I slid down and headed round the front. I didn't care that my dad might see me, he wouldn't hit me in broad daylight. 

'Hey! Loser!' I heard a shout from behind me down the street and turned round to see Ben with a group of his friends. Well, they might. 

'What do you want now?' I asked, 'Couldn't wait to get into school?'

They laughed and walked up to me grinning stupidly. 'Oh, we heard about your little thing you have with the new kid. So we decided to give you a little treat.'

'A-a treat?' I asked completely confused. I imagined Ben being the kind of person who would give out sweats in Halloween filled with toothpaste in the middle.

'Oh, trust me, you'll love it.' I watched cautiously as he walked up to me. I prepared myself to get completely beaten up again. What was I going to explain to Will then? But then Ben took a turn away form me to the right. I looked at him in confusion. 

'What are you-' I saw him walking towards my dad's car, 'WAIT!' I ran forward but one of his friends grabbed me and pulled me back.

'We spent a lot of time trying to prepare this for today.' he smirked and I noticed something inside of the vehicle. Was that- no. He wasn't serious.

'Y-you, you filled my dad's car up with pasta?' I asked a little disturbed.

'Well, yes. Pasta with my special ingredient.'


'Gasoline.' and then before I could even think he lit a match and threw it into the window of the car. Before I could even process what was going on it had lit up in flames like a fireball.

His friend let go of my arm but I just stood there staring at my dad's car burning to ashes. Part of me was feeling a slight satisfaction. He burnt down Will's hoodie. They burnt down his car. Sounds fair. An arm for a leg.

And another part of my mind was reminding me that two wrongs don't make a right. 

Ben and his friends dipped and bolted away from the scene. I could extinguish the fire now and leave the car salvageable. Or I could let it burn and let my dad get a taste of his own medicine. The entire ordeal with Ben filling up the car with pasta to make fun of my nationality and trying to mock me didn't seem to bother me at all.

Time to start learning some lessons. Honesty never got anyone anywhere. I shouldered my school bag and ran off to the school. I didn't slow down or looked back. I just ran.

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